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Good Morning

Was it a dream?

By Ari hollowayPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Images from the party are still swirling in my head as roll over in the bed, my head pounding from an early morning migraine. I close my eyes as the sun comes through the window, blinding me as I think back to last night.

"Was he real?"

His cologne had been the scent of running through the deep forest, earthy and strong. I still feel the warmth of his touch on my arm after he snuck up behind me making me jump.



My cheeks warm as I remember the awkwardness between us.

"Can I help you?"

"Sorry, I just wanted to say hello. You looked lonely."

Yeah, that was kind of the point.

I laugh remembering the thought. What if I had told him that? Why did I keep talking to him? The answer was easy, that cologne. It had driven me crazy when I first smelled it and I didn't want it to fade away.

"Would you like to get a drink with me?"

"Oh... S-sure."

"You can say no, I won't bite."

His voice was hard to remember, it kept fading as I tried to find the right pitch. I just know I loved to listen to him speak. It caught me off guard when he asked me to join him. I figured his friends had left him behind for a more lively group. We walk to the bar and order, making small talk as we wait.

"So, why were you sitting alone in the corner all night?"

"I... I don't do well with crowds. I rarely go out and this seemed like it would be a pretty laid back night."

"Well, I'm sorry if I interrupted your quiet evening."

"Actually it is nice to have someone to talk to, so thank you."

Our drinks come and we talk as they slowly disappear, being replaced quickly and quietly by the bartender. I know by the warmth in my stomach and the slight blur in my sight that I've definitely had enough.

"I think I better call it a night before someone has to carry me home."

He lets out a deep laugh that runs through my body.

"At least let me walk you out to your car, I'd hate to think you got hurt because of me."

"No can do."

"Oh... Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfor-"

"No, no, no, sorry. I just meant that I took a cab. You're more than welcome to walk me to the front curb."

We walk to the entrance still chatting about work, and home, and all the little things that come along. The air is cold as it blasts through the door chilling me.

"I hate the cold."

I feel a weight on my shoulders and instantly I'm surrounded by that scent.

"T-Thank you!"

That's all that comes to my brain as I realize I'm in one of the most cliche romance moments in history. His coat is large and completely covers me in its warmth. He signals for a cab and holds the door open for me. I slide between him and the door feeling the warmth coming from him.

"How do I get your coat back to you?"

"I left a card in the pocket, give me a call and we can get together."

I try to get in the cab but something holds me back. How often would I have a chance like this with someone like him. I look up at him and move closer, my eyes focused on him. I see something in his eyes and I feel his hand on my waist. We move in closer and I can feel his breath on my face.

Our lips meet and it feels like time has stopped...

Which brings us to this lovely morning filled with blaring sunlight and a pounding head. I rub my eyes and keep them closed as I try to remember what happened after the kiss. I sigh as I realize I don't even know how I got into my house last night, let alone what happened to him.

"Maybe he really was a dream..."

I freeze when I hear the door open, followed by the scent of coffee. I uncover my eyes and look up at the early morning intruder. I immediately recognize the smile, the laugh at my surprised look, and finally the scent of deep forest.

"Good Morning."


About the Creator

Ari holloway

Hi there! I enjoy baking and sewing and thought I'd share some ideas and projects.

Facebook Author Page

Insta: ari.holloway.vocal


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