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By Saffron Sage

By Saffron SagePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Hope Rises


As our world watches the war in Ukraine blossom and bloom into something none of us want, I keep hearing the song ninety-nine red balloons by Nena in my head. Over and over the haunting lyrics play and I can’t help but wonder. Is this the beginning of our end, how did we get this far again? With so many examples of what we dread. How is our world still producing people capable of this? The song begins with us in a little toy shop, representative of our beautiful world here, where we can find so many ways to play together. It ends with one red ballon, a reminder of what we have lost at our own hand. Where do our personal hearts stand, are we all responsible?

Can we preform an Ubuntu on the one in-charge, surround him with our hearts and help him find his own. Is he the engine to this war machine, how many violent contributors must we provide an Ubuntu for, how many have set their hearts aside for war? The story of The Christmas Truce during the German war comes into my mind. When soldiers from both sides put down their weapons to celebrate the holiday together, refusing to kill each other on that day. Can we make everyday a holiday from war? How can one human look on another human and wish them dead and not see the crushing of their own head? Pushed by political agenda, no other reason of offense. What a sick collective mindset we have created through fear. Where do we think we are going on this dark road of violence and forceful control, can we not see the destructions power soon will kill us all?

Greg Brayden reveals with the Wisdom Codes we all have a choice. All of us have been warned and asked at the same time. Will you change it? It, is the ugly face of war, this time. So many reasons to ask oneself this question. Family dynamics, civic duties, social conformities, personal choices. Will we change the violent response, will we choose a kind gentle way forward? Each and every soldier faces this choice, each one could set down their weapons and say no. Then who would the war machine have to coerce? No soldiers no war. What are we waiting for? Insanity is as insanity does, sanity appears incredibly different than our world is today.

Freedom in our safe corner of the world is not freedom when there is war over there. If one of us is suffering at the hand of another, we all suffer together. The poison seeps into our water supply, the air we breathe the foods we eat. How can we stop this war machine, where does it live, why is it alive?

Greed and ego must not be taken lightly, we must look in our own hearts to find our generosity. If we think we are better than our neighbor we are not paying attention to the age old message. Treat each other as you wish to be treated, we all get a turn to be fated. Generate the peace you wish to see in the world, in all our kind faces. The child on the street, the opposite gender, the bank teller, the store clerk, the others who’s religion we are not part of, different political affiliations, types of clothes we like to wear. It’s the little things that matter most. Where do our hearts go when we look at another?

We are all responsible for our contribution to freedom, we are all responsible for this war. Freedom is a machine made of love, freedom is choice. Each and every one of us face choices, each and every one of us can create some better ones. Together we can destroy the war machine with our dynamic Freedom Machine, one choice at a time.


About the Creator

Saffron Sage

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

What makes a life worth living? Collecting whispers.

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