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Do you appreciate your life? Or do you take it for granted?

Real Talk

By Andrew Wright ॐPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Into the chaos, of modern society. Will we be immersed in the chaos from the inside out? Or shall we cultivate and remain peaceful within, while the entire world around us goes up in flame? The choice is ours.

In a world where so many of us can go to 1 out of 20 grocery stores in our area and purchase a bountiful buffet of different bites, ranging from peanut butter & jelly sandwiches to a pasta dinner, from a pint of (seemingly endless flavors) of ice cream, to a whole roasted chicken, from meatballs to pizza, a box of Oreos or an entirely plant-based sloppy-joe meal with sweet potato fries... The list goes on and goes on.... My point being... We as Americans have access to a bountiful amount of ingredients and items that we consider food, every day and pretty much unless all stores shut down, it's always there and has been for most of our lifetime (thus far). And what do we do? WE TAKE IT FOR GRANTED.

How is this so? How do we take it for granted? Well, if every single grocery store, farmers market, restaurant, and food-joint were to shut down tomorrow, or right now.... HOW...would you respond? Would you simply shrug it off with a smile on your face, and say to yourself, "It's time to start growing our own food again." Or would you be devastated and find yourself in a mental loop trying to solve the impending question of: "Where does food come from if not from a store?". I'm sure we're not all stupid. Just the ones who rely soley on a modern-day society to provide, protect and nourish. That is a job that we must do ourselves! If we can't provide for ourselves, then what hope does humanity have 10,000 years down the cosmic road? What happens when the government collapses? What happens when all Walmart's everywhere are suddenly going of business? Or what happens when the only way to get bacon is to go out and kill the pig and then butcher it yourself? You more Mcdonalds... no more McNuggets?? That's exactly what I'm saying. You don't think that's coming? Think again.

There is a shift on this planet, and we have already seen the beginning of that shift. Shifting from a lower vibrational way of living, into a higher vibrational way of coexisting. From surviving in our every day to thriving in our every now. A world of separation and societal hierarchies, into a world of peace, tranquility and love. Where everyone sees and feels the unity, the compassion and the divinity of life and in all things. However, what must happen for us to get there? They say, it's always darkest before the dawn... So, what if we haven't even made it to the night yet, and we're still experiencing the sunset? Things are changing and shifting, and we are experiencing things we never thought we would. Remember when COVID hit? The entire world went up in panic and shut down. Shows how ready we are for "uncomfortable scenarios". "You can either have chaos inside, and peace all around. Or peace inside, and chaos all around. You can't have both." So, let's say the whole world goes up in flames of echoing chaos.... where will you find yourself? In the midst of it all, with that chaos permeating from within? Or will you find yourself permeating with peace, while the flames go up all around? I'd rather choose the latter.

So, in a world, where we nearly have any and every type of pleasure & cuisine simply lurking & surrounding us at all times.........while so many others don't even have clean water to drink, a safe place to live, a choice of selecting cuisine, or even decent amount of food to keep them alive and healthy....we must ask ourselves... have we become dependent on the way things are? Am I actually grateful for the things in my experience? For the luxuries I have access to? If all these luxuries went away tomorrow, or in ten years...or in 50... would I be ready? And will I have respected the luxuries? Or am I taking them for granted? While so many others go to sleep tonight with an empty belly for the 2nd night in a row, am I truly appreciative of this second bag of chips I'm about to split open? Or this 4th meal of the day? Am I taking a moment before I eat, to give thanks for this beautiful bowl of Pork Ramen, thanking the people who made it, and the animal that was killed to be used in it... Or am I mindlessly devouring and stuffing my face with the food that is before me because I think that I can always get more?


About the Creator

Andrew Wright ॐ

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    Andrew Wright ॐWritten by Andrew Wright ॐ

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