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Part 1 of 3

By Adebisi KasimPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Confidence can be an elusive entity. Allowing others to dictate our self-worth is a common pitfall, but in reality, it should solely depend on our own perception. The encouraging truth is that you are the one in control, steering the locomotive of self-assurance, and it's poised to embark on a remarkable journey from this very moment.How can one develop confidence in a new job without prior experience in that field? How can someone feel assured in social situations if they have never experienced acceptance before? Is it possible to be confident in a relationship when past relationships have been unsuccessful?At first glance, confidence may seem like an elusive trait that only favors those who already possess it, leaving others feeling inadequate. When you haven't experienced much social acceptance and lack confidence in unfamiliar social settings, it's natural to worry about being perceived as clingy or strange, hindering acceptance from others.Similarly, in relationships, a lack of confidence in intimacy can lead to difficult breakups, uncomfortable phone calls, and even late-night trips to the store for comfort food.Moreover, when it comes to work, it can be challenging to feel confident without prior relevant experience, especially since most jobs require such experience as a prerequisite.If you've consistently experienced failure in life, how can you possibly anticipate becoming a victor? And if you lack the expectation of being a winner, your behavior will reflect that of a loser. Consequently, the cycle of dissatisfaction persists. This predicament can be described as the confidence conundrum. In order to attain happiness, love, or success, one must initially possess confidence. However, to be confident, one requires the foundation of happiness, love, or success. Therefore, it appears that you find yourself trapped in one of two loops: either you are already within a positive and confident cycle, as depicted here. Perhaps you find yourself trapped in a repetitive cycle of failure, resembling something like this. And if you find yourself trapped in the cycle of losing, it can feel nearly impossible to break free.It's akin to a dog endlessly chasing its own tail or Domino's ordering its own pizza. You may spend considerable time scrutinizing every detail, attempting to mentally unravel it all. Yet, just like your waning confidence, you'll likely find yourself right back where you started. But perhaps we've been approaching this issue incorrectly all along. Maybe the enigma of confidence isn't truly an enigma. If we pay careful attention, we can glean valuable insights about confidence simply by observing others. So before you hastily proceed to order that pizza, let's dissect this situation:1 of 3. APPEARING CONFIDENTI. Project Confidence. When you exude the appearance of a self-assured and capable individual, you'll gradually begin to cultivate a winning mindset. Rather than adhering to preconceived notions of confidence, prioritize dressing in a way that aligns with your personal sense of well-being. Consider these strategies:A. Dedicate some time each day to personal hygiene and ensuring you present yourself well. This includes daily showers, thorough dental care (brushing and flossing), and grooming your hair and skin.B. Dress to enhance your confidence. You don't need to revamp your entire wardrobe to feel better in your attire. As long as you are clean, comfortable, and genuinely feel good, you're well on your way to radiating confidence. Remember, true confidence shines through when you genuinely enjoy what you wear.C. Be cautious not to solely base your confidence on external appearance. Challenge yourself by wearing outfits that don't make you feel confident for an entire day and explore cultivating inner confidence unrelated to your looks.D. Keep kind that appropriateness matters. Consider the context and occasion when selecting your attire. Just as you wouldn't wear a three-piece suit while delivering pizzas, trust your instincts about what looks good on you. If you believe you look good, chances are you do indeed look good.2. Refine your posture for maximum impact. The way you carry yourself speaks volumes to those around you, so ensure that you convey confidence and authority. Maintain a proud stance with your shoulders drawn back, spine aligned, and chin raised. Walk with purpose, avoiding dragging your feet, and sit with upright posture. By projecting the image of a confident individual outwardly, you will naturally attract others who perceive you as such. - Not only will you successfully deceive others, but you will also deceive yourself. Recent studies indicate that the position of your body influences your mental state, meaning that adopting a confident posture can genuinely make you feel empowered. Moreover, adopting confident body language has been associated with reduced levels of stress. Embrace these benefits and watch your self-assurance soar.3. Smile. Ensure your grin is always within easy reach. You'd be amazed at how even the tiniest of smiles can disarm numerous social situations and promote a sense of comfort for everyone involved. Scientific studies have proven that smiling actually reduces stress hormones in the brain. Just imagine approaching someone who is scowling – it's definitely not an appealing prospect. - If you're concerned about your smile appearing insincere, opt for a subtle smile. A fake smile can be easily detected, even from a distance. However, if you genuinely feel happiness upon seeing someone, or if you're excited to practice your newfound confidence skills, go ahead and showcase your bright, white teeth.4. Engage in eye contact. This seemingly small gesture can have a profound impact on how others perceive you. Embrace the opportunity to meet someone's gaze, as it not only conveys that you are approachable and worth engaging with, but also signifies respect, acknowledgement of their presence, and genuine interest in the conversation. It's important to avoid being rude or disrespectful. - Our eyes hold a unique human characteristic. They serve as windows to the soul, revealing our attention and emotions. By establishing eye contact, you not only enhance the quality of your interactions but also project confidence. Furthermore, you become more likable and trustworthy, making those who engage with you feel valued and appreciated. Remember, if you can't do it for yourself, do it for them!5. Project approachable body language. Imagine you spot someone secluded in a corner, engrossed in their mobile games. Would you be inclined to approach them and strike up a conversation? Most likely not. If you desire others to feel comfortable initiating contact with you, it's essential to project an approachable aura. - Maintain an open posture. Crossing your arms and legs sends a signal that you aren't receptive to others. Likewise, your facial expression and hand movements reveal whether you're engrossed in your own thoughts or absorbed by your iPhone. These cues deter people from approaching you. - Avoid excessive self-consciousness regarding your body language. As your confidence grows, you will naturally develop better posture, which in turn will enhance your overall presence.6. Maintain your focus. Now that you've mastered the art of locking eyes, it's time to put it into action. Were you aware that many others feel just as uneasy about making eye contact as you do? Give this a try: engage in eye contact with someone and observe who breaks it first. Do they divert their gaze before you? See?! They're also feeling uncomfortable! - The intention is not to intimidate someone by intensely staring until they feel your gaze and awkwardly retreat. Instead, the objective is to realize that others experience similar nervousness when you look at them, just as you do when they look at you. If you happen to be caught in the act, simply offer a friendly smile. Consider yourself off the hook.

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