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8 Morning Habits for Quick Weight Loss and Overall Health Improvement

Overall Health Improvement

By asikuzzamanPublished about a year ago 5 min read

8 Morning Habits for Quick Weight Loss and Overall Health Improvement

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Drink Half a Liter of Water in the Morning

3. Plan Healthy Breakfast Options

4. Incorporate Walking into Your Morning Routine

5. Reduce Sugar Intake in Tea and Coffee

6. Regularly Weigh Yourself

7. Engage in Morning Exercise

8. Prioritize Adequate Sleep

9. Oxford University Study on Morning Weigh-In and Action Points

10. Conclusion

11. FAQs


Are you looking for effective ways to accelerate your weight loss journey? Well, incorporating healthy habits into your morning routine can significantly contribute to your weight loss efforts while also improving your overall health. In this article, we will discuss eight morning habits that will not only aid in shedding those extra pounds but also promote a healthier body.

1. Drink Half a Liter of Water in the Morning

Starting your day with hydration can work wonders for weight loss. Consuming half a liter of water in the morning before breakfast can help you feel fuller, allowing you to eat less. Moreover, water contains zero calories, making it an ideal choice for weight management. You can also apply this technique throughout the day by drinking water before meals to curb your appetite and support your weight loss goals.

2. Plan Healthy Breakfast Options

When hunger strikes, it's easy to reach for unhealthy food choices like pastries or sugary beverages. To avoid this, plan your breakfast ahead of time. Prepare a box of cut fruits or pack a packet of almonds to satisfy your cravings. Opt for homemade, nutritious meals that will keep you satiated and prevent unhealthy snacking.

3. Incorporate Walking into Your Morning Routine

Make the most of your morning commute or school drop-off by incorporating walking into your routine. If feasible, consider walking part of the way to work or parking your car a short distance away. Gradually increase your walking time and aim for a brisk pace. Regular exercise is not only essential for weight loss but also for maintaining a healthy body in the long run.

4. Reduce Sugar Intake in Tea and Coffee

If you have a habit of consuming tea or coffee in the morning, try gradually reducing or eliminating sugar from your beverage. Sugar adds unnecessary calories, leading to weight gain. While it may take some time to adjust to the change, you'll eventually develop a preference for unsweetened tea or coffee. Additionally, avoid pairing biscuits with your tea, as they often contain hidden sugars and high calorie content.

5. Regularly Weigh Yourself

Studies have shown that individuals who weigh themselves regularly tend to be more successful in their weight loss journey. Make it a habit to weigh yourself in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. Note down your weight in a journal or use a smartphone app to track your progress over time. Monitoring your weight allows you to make necessary adjustments to your routine and stay motivated.

6. Engage in Morning Exercise

Exercise is a well-known method for weight loss, but it can be challenging to find time during the day. By incorporating exercise into your morning routine, you ensure that it gets done. Choose an exercise that suits your preferences and convenience, such as jumping rope, brisk walking, running, or weightlifting. Engaging in exercise in the morning not only kick-starts your day but also boosts your metabolism.

7. Prioritize Adequate Sleep

While it may seem unrelated, sleep plays a crucial role in weight loss. Lack of sleep has been associated with weight gain. When we don't get enough rest, our hunger hormones are disrupted, leading to increased appetite and cravings for high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods. Additionally, fatigue can hinder our motivation to exercise and make healthier food choices. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night to support your weight loss goals.

8. Oxford University Study on Morning Weigh-In and Action Points

A study conducted by Oxford University demonstrated the effectiveness of combining morning weigh-ins with actionable goals. In the study, 100 overweight participants were divided into two groups. The first group simply weighed themselves every morning, while the second group weighed themselves and set a specific action point for the day. These action points included activities like avoiding eating outside of designated meal times, going for a walk instead of socializing, or not consuming any food after 8 pm.

After eight weeks, the results showed that both groups experienced weight loss. However, the second group, which incorporated action points, achieved a more significant average weight loss of about 3 kilograms compared to the first group's 1-kilogram average loss. This study emphasizes the importance of not only measuring your weight but also setting actionable goals to support your weight loss efforts.


Incorporating these eight morning habits into your daily routine can bring about quick success in your weight loss efforts. By drinking water before breakfast, planning healthy meals, incorporating exercise and walking, reducing sugar intake, tracking your weight, prioritizing sleep, and setting actionable goals, you'll create a foundation for a healthier lifestyle. Remember, consistency is key, and these habits will not only help you lose weight but also improve your overall well-being.



1. Can I drink water before eating breakfast? Won't it affect digestion? There is no scientific evidence to support the notion that drinking water before eating negatively impacts digestion. In fact, consuming water before meals can help you feel fuller and may aid in weight loss. So, feel free to drink water before breakfast and throughout the day.

2. How often should I weigh myself? The frequency of weighing yourself can vary depending on personal preference and goals. Some people find it helpful to weigh themselves every day, while others prefer every few days or once a week. Choose a consistent schedule that works for you and helps you stay accountable.

3. Is exercise necessary for weight loss? While exercise is not the sole factor for weight loss, it plays a significant role. Engaging in regular physical activity helps burn calories, build muscle, and boost metabolism. It also provides numerous health benefits beyond weight loss.

4. How can I make sure I get enough sleep? To prioritize adequate sleep, establish a consistent bedtime routine, create a sleep-friendly environment, avoid caffeine and electronics before bed, and ensure your sleeping area is comfortable and free of distractions. Setting a regular sleep schedule can help regulate your body's internal clock.

5. How long does it take to see results from these habits? Individual results may vary, but with consistent implementation of these morning habits, you can expect to see positive changes within a few weeks. Remember, sustainable weight loss takes time, so be patient and focus on making long-term lifestyle changes.


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Comments (1)

  • asikuzzaman (Author)about a year ago

    excellent article.

AWritten by asikuzzaman

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