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10 wrong reasons to start a relationship

Unpacking the Pitfalls of Beginning a Relationship for the Wrong Reasons

By Sourav Ray Published about a year ago 3 min read
10 wrong reasons to start a relationship

Relationships are an important aspect of human life. They provide us with a sense of love, companionship, and emotional support that can enhance our well-being. However, starting a relationship for the wrong reasons can lead to disappointment, heartache, and even a broken heart. In this article, we will discuss 10 wrong reasons to start a relationship.


Loneliness is a feeling that can be overwhelming, and sometimes it can be tempting to enter into a relationship just to escape it. However, starting a relationship for this reason is not sustainable. The relief of not being alone will only last for a short while, and the relationship may quickly become a burden if it is not based on genuine feelings of love and connection.

Social pressure:

Society often puts pressure on individuals to be in a relationship, especially as they approach a certain age. People may feel like they are not fitting in or are not living up to expectations if they are not in a relationship. However, this kind of pressure can lead to hasty decisions and settling for someone who is not a good match.


Starting a relationship after a breakup can be tempting, but it can also be a mistake. People often use rebound relationships to help them move on from a previous relationship, but this can lead to hurt feelings for both parties involved. It is important to give yourself time to heal before entering into a new relationship.


Infatuation is a powerful feeling that can cloud one's judgment. It is easy to mistake infatuation for love, but they are not the same. Infatuation is based on physical attraction and excitement, while love is based on a deeper emotional connection. Starting a relationship based on infatuation can lead to disappointment when the initial attraction wears off.


Pity is not a good reason to start a relationship. Feeling sorry for someone is not a basis for a healthy relationship. If you do not have genuine feelings of love and attraction for the other person, it is better to refrain from starting a relationship.

Financial gain:

Starting a relationship for financial gain is not only unethical but also short-sighted. Money cannot buy happiness, and a relationship based on financial gain is likely to be shallow and unsatisfying in the long run.

Fear of being alone:

Fear of being alone is a common reason why people start relationships. However, it is important to remember that being alone does not mean being lonely. Being comfortable in your own company is a valuable trait, and a relationship should not be the only way to escape solitude.


Jealousy can be a powerful emotion that can drive people to do things they would not normally do. Starting a relationship out of jealousy, for instance, to make an ex-partner jealous or to compete with friends who are in relationships, is a recipe for disaster. A relationship based on jealousy is unlikely to be healthy or happy.


Starting a relationship out of boredom is a mistake. Being bored is not a good reason to start a relationship. Relationships require time, effort, and commitment, and if you are not genuinely interested in the other person, you are likely to get bored quickly.


Insecurity can be a powerful emotion that can drive people to make poor decisions. Starting a relationship out of insecurity, such as feeling like you need someone to validate your self-worth, is not healthy. A relationship should be based on mutual respect and appreciation, not on a need to feel validated.

In conclusion, starting a relationship for the wrong reasons can lead to disappointment, heartache, and even a broken heart. It is important to take the time to evaluate your motives before entering into a relationship. A healthy relationship should be based on mutual love, respect, and attraction. It should not be based on external pressures or short-sighted goals.

If you find yourself contemplating a new relationship, take the time to assess your motivations. Are you genuinely attracted to the other person? Do you share common values and interests? Do you have a healthy level of emotional connection and compatibility? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you may be on the right track.

On the other hand, if you find yourself considering a relationship for the wrong reasons, it may be best to reconsider. You should never enter into a relationship out of fear, loneliness, jealousy, or insecurity. These emotions can cloud your judgment and lead to regret.

Remember that a healthy relationship takes time, effort, and commitment. It should be based on mutual love and respect, and it should enhance your overall well-being. If you take the time to evaluate your motivations and choose a partner based on genuine feelings of love and connection, you are more likely to build a lasting and fulfilling relationship.


About the Creator

Sourav Ray

A Musician And An Ardent Writer | Blogger | Bookworm | Motivational Writings | Success | Happiness Coach

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