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Insane Things that Used to Be Illegal

Explore The Bizarre Regulations

By Amine OubihPublished 11 days ago 3 min read
Insane Things that Used to Be Illegal
Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash

So, you decide that you want to be a time traveler. Think you can do it?Yes, you are a history lover with an adventurous spirit. You've seen enough movies on science fiction to know you should avoid stepping on any bug and telling Medieval peasants about Iphones and Doritos, but there's more to that than just that!

For instance, you need to be prepared to avoid one of the greatest inconveniences a time traveler can face: unintentionally violating the law. A time machine will not help you if you will be stuck behind bars with no way to get back to it. According to where and when you may have traveled, it is possible that you could easily lose your head!Good luck with your dead brain the moment you are separated from the rest of your body.

You are fortunate, you found this guide!Regardless of whether you are a seasoned time traveler in need of an update, a rookie time traveler preparing for your first trip or a legal history enthusiast par excellence, you are in the right place. This is your guide for the super crazy things that were considered against the law at different times in history.

I bet you give a lot of thought to the Roman Empire, don't you?But even if you don't, you probably will right now. Perhaps you would like to go there soon, do the toga thing, and watch Caesar invent his famous salad. What's that?It wasn't him who made the salad?Then what is that called?Forget it, it's unimportant. We're talking about laws

First and primarily, let's discuss what not to wear. If you're going to ancient Rome-just forget about any purple apparel. Are you an Emperor?No?Finally, in ancient Rome, if you dare to wear the color purple, you are committing a crime. The purple dyes, which were the most costly during the Roman Empire, therefore were worn only by the rich and powerful. It doesn't matter if it's your favorite color or if it makes your eyes shine; non-royals in ancient Rome had to avoid wearing purple at all costs if they didn't want to end up in court.

Female time travelers, take note: if you are going to be at a funeral in ancient Rome, be sure you don't cry. Women were forbidden to crying at funerals in ancient Rome. What made them authorize such an inhumane rule?To counter the ever-growing funeral actor industry, undoubtedly.

1- Let's stay close to the present and dive into Ancient Egypt for a while. There is one particular animal you need to make sure you treat with the utmost reverence: the cat. Cats in Ancient Egypt were considered sacred and anyone who hurt a cat could be punished with severe penalties up to death. This indeed, for cats, are really quite okay.

2- Let’s go England, “Jolly Old” right now. Let the Medieval period begin. So you want to visit England during the Middle Ages, live through your own Knight's Tale?No worries, but there are a few points to note too. Step out of line from the wrong place to the wrong place, break the wrong obscure law, and you will have your head off!

The first thing you'll be faced with when you arrive at Medieval England is to look for food. But be careful!Don't just go out and shoot everything you can see. In 1198, a law was introduced that forbade the hunting of deer in the royal forest. If you were caught hunting venison there, you faced quite a harsh punishment: blindness and castration. Helps you to forget about food, does it?

3- In the Shang Dynasty, 1600-1046 BCE, there was a severe penalty against littering. This is not about a small fine or a little jail time. For instance, the punishment for throwing garbage on the road was an amputation of the hand.

4- Now we will go to the good old United States of America, and see what the historical crimes you meet by accident might be. In some details, there are some really unusual laws that are out of the present day scene but could get someone in trouble if going back in the past.

First and foremost, alcohol. Between 1920 and 1933, America was right in the middle of a period called Prohibition. During this time, it was illegal to make, sell, or drink alcohol. However, it was not the only toughened alcohol law in US history.

In Conclusion, Now, presumably, you know a little more for your travels to the past. What if you have already discarded the idea of time travel?There is always a silver lining. At least, you are now an expert when it comes law based trivial. Either way, your chances of being put to death in Medieval prison or being executed in Ancient Rome are much exasperated now than before. And there is no way of validating that. Happy travels

World HistoryTriviaResearchPlacesPerspectivesNarrativesModernMedievalLessonsGeneralFiguresFictionEventsDiscoveriesBooksBiographiesAncientAnalysis

About the Creator

Amine Oubih

🌟Amine Oubih🌟

📝 Writer | 🎨 Creative | 🌍 Explorer

Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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