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9 Things That All Husbands Want From Their Wives In Marriage

Many men would concede that sexual chemistry is important in marriage.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It should no longer come as a surprise that your spouse will want to have sex with you. In fact, it may be crucial to him. Many men would concede that sexual chemistry is important in marriage.

However, just because men are sexual animals does not mean that it is all they desire or need in a relationship. In a marriage, all men will have wants that go beyond their sexual demands. And if you want to be the greatest wife you can be, you must educate yourself on these requirements to the best of your ability.

Husbands are not often as outspoken or honest about what they want or need from their spouses. That shouldn't stop you from attempting to figure him out in this aspect. Don't worry if you're feeling lost in that element of your marriage.

This information will be of use to you. You must constantly be careful not to take your marriage for granted. Just because he doesn't ask for something doesn't mean you shouldn't make an effort for him. If you give him the items listed above, you will be placing yourself in a position to have a very strong and healthy marriage that will endure a long time.

1. Affection toward each other

He would constantly want you to express your feelings for him. He may or may not confess it. He might not be as eager to express his desire for your attention. But he secretly desires it. No guy will ever dispute a woman's love and affection for him, especially his wife. So, never be afraid to tell him how much you admire and cherish him.


He is hoping that you would accept him for who he is. He is well aware of his flaws and imperfections. He is well aware of his flaws. But he thinks that you would be able to love him despite all of this.

3. Minimal Drama

All guys despise drama, it's a universal fact. And he'll want you to make sure you're not bringing needless drama into your life. He will be looking for stability, consistency, and dependability in you. Drama will simply shake things up and upset the boat.

4. Patience and comprehension

He will not always do the correct thing in life or in the relationship. And he hopes that you will always be patient and understanding with him at such moments. He hopes you understand that he is only human and that he is continuously learning.

5. Gratitude and appreciation

If you're lucky, you'll be with a guy who genuinely cares about you and your relationship. He'll put a lot of effort into your affection. And he'll appreciate it if you recognise his efforts. He will hope that you are grateful for everything he does for you.

6. Be respectful

No connection in the world can ever be robust or healthy unless it is founded on mutual respect. He would always want you to respect him as a person and as a lover. He will not want you to make him feel inferior or less than who he is.

7. Free Will

The fact that the two of you start dating doesn't mean you have to give up who you are as individuals. And he needs to hold onto that. He'll always desire independence. He also occasionally requests some distance. He is hoping that you can understand it and offer it to him.

8. Trust

He'll want your whole faith at all times. He won't want to be in a relationship with a woman who is constantly watching him to make sure he isn't getting away with anything. He doesn't want a wife who can't genuinely trust him to be by himself. He wants you to have complete faith in his ability to act morally.

9. Sincere Compatibility

He's going to want your company at the end of the day. In the end, that is what love is all about. If both of you play your cards well, you'll discover a lifelong partner in one another. You will have the opportunity to spend the remainder of your days in love with one another. And once we locate one of those rare things, we have to struggle to keep it.

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About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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