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You don't scare me...


By Heather HublerPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - January 2024
Created with NightCafeStudio

I lied. In this title. In fact the opposite is true. Confession time, some of you may already know this, but I don't like straight-up horror. I'm a big scaredy cat!

There I said it.

And most if not all of you are probably wondering why the hell you should care. I'm not sure you should, but nevertheless...I'm telling you anyway, lol.

I don't like watching horror at all. I'm too much of a visual person, and the images last in my mind. I've been through enough horror in my own life. I've seen enough horror on the news and happening in lives close to me that I don't enjoy adding more to my plate.

If you happened to take notice, I didn't address reading it yet, as that one's a little tricky for me. Stories that are placed in the horror genre tend to be a hard-pass right off the bat. I've read Misery by Stephen King and a few others over the years, but I don't seek out the slashing and gore and outright terror.

Now if it's included naturally as some part of the story, I can usually handle it. Let's say you've got an action adventure story, a romance or a mystery. When a gory crime scene shows up or a murderer is being chased, or there's a stalker for the leading lady, I process that as just part of the main story. I may get a little squeamish and skim a bit, but I'm still hanging in there!

However, if I know right away the story is creeptastic with lots of scary shit and that's the main plot...well, I'm gonna have to politely decline.

Oddly enough, I've found my peace in writing horror. I think because I'm controlling what takes place and how. I have three stories in the horror Vocal community, all written for challenges, and I think I did okay with them. I'll link them if anyone wants to give feedback on that, lol.

My whole point in this endless monologue is to let you all know that if you are writing in that community, I am probably not reading it. And I feel badly about that. Horrible really. I love to read and support the wonderful creators on this platform, and I do try every once in awhile to get past my fears. But I was pretty much traumatized by the campfire ghost story challenge. I was read swapping dozens and dozens of those entries until I just couldn't anymore.

(And seriously, you people have some crazy horror writing skills!!)

The only exception to my no reading horror rule is when the creator is none other than our Queen of Horror (and my lovely fear friend) Dharrsheena Raja Segarran. Her stories are undoubtably horror, but something about her sudden twists just shock me more than terrify me. I think because maybe they start out kinda normal and then BAM! They also tend to be on the shorter side, so I know I won't be freaking out for long.

My brain is just weird.

So tell me Vocal friends, are there any genres you shy away from or am I the only oddball here? Share with me in the comments. I love to know things. And interact :)

(Secretly hoping for others to fess up...)

Love, H


Now to piss away another 40+ words to get to the magic 600. Have any of you ever watched Hide and Seek with Robert De Niro? Way back when Redbox was big, my hubby went and grabbed a movie for us to watch after the kids went to bed. We both love De Niro as an actor, but hadn't heard anything about the film. Well, if you know you know. If not, look it up, lol. I was hiding behind his back for half the movie!! Hard pass from this girl.


Here are my attempts at horror:


About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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Comments (37)

  • Jasmine Aguilar5 months ago

    I'm not a fan of bloody and gory horror either. I do like some paranormal horror.

  • Dana Crandell5 months ago

    I think I've read mention of your aversion to horror somewhere before. I love a good horror story, myself. Oddly, I haven't really ventured into writing in that genre, and I don't have a good explanation for that. I also love sci-fi, but haven't written much. This is probably a good year to dabble in those, and I'll definitely forgiven my lil sis if she doesn't read the scary ones. And yes, Hide and Seek is a good one!

  • Grz Colm5 months ago

    Oh no. I remember Hide and Seek. I didn’t know this about you Heather. Look I like a little horror in reading and films but it honestly depends what it is and what mood I’m in. I too find things get trapped in my head. I was actually trying to find your goals for this year but maybe you didn’t do your homework? 😅😁

  • Donna Fox (HKB)6 months ago

    Heather I love the brutal honesty of this and the commentary you added to your own narrative! This was relatable and a fin read! Great work and congrats on Top Story!

  • nice work. i actually watch a horror movie at times because the news was scarier than the horror movie.

  • E Chance6 months ago

    Ironically, I love horror genres, movies, I enjoy the plots behind the imagery of trying to scare me which is rare. This was a great post.

  • Cheryl E Preston6 months ago

    I never heard of the Robert Dinero film. I will find it and watch it

  • Congratulations on Top Story!

  • The Dani Writer6 months ago

    I'm a born horror-aphobe. Can remember running from scary anything as a young child when my older brothers wanted 'that' show and no parents were home. I remember once running to a neighbour's house. My Vocal story 'Yeah, I Was That Five-Year-Old' was written as an explanation to my horror-crime-gore averse status. I don't read it either. The few times that I have, it has been by accident, so now I'm SUPER careful. Like you, those images stay with me. It's a "Nope" on all levels, no ifs, ands, buts, substitutions, or exceptions. Well done on the top story!

  • Amin6 months ago

    congrats on your Top story!!

  • Veronica Coldiron6 months ago

    I stand in horror at Edith Kapustina's comment. 😅🤣😂🤣 We're in the same boat on horror. I have had to work waaaay outside the box to write what I have on Vocal but, like you, most of it was for challenges. I hate to admit it, but the horror stories have done better on Vocal than the others so maybe I should try harder. The closest I've ever come to horror in long form was the book I sent you, and it's really more of a supernatural suspense. I also have a great deal of difficulty reading anything that compromises the well being of children. (How I can say that after my campfire challenge is beyond me). I read a book by John Saul called "Suffer the Children " back when I was in high-school that kind of messed me up, so those are a real no-no for me. Congrats on the Top Story! 😊

  • Daphsam6 months ago

    Congrats on your Top Story!! I can't watch horror movies, but I could write and think about it easily.

  • Mariann Carroll6 months ago

    Congratulations to Top Story ! Nice way to start the year ! I don’t like horror movies but I had watched some for my daughter sake. Dharrsheena stories are worth reading . I don’t go to funerals and look at the dead in the coffins. The image stay stuck in my mind just like how you say about horror movies .

  • Chloe Gilholy6 months ago

    I can play horror games and read horror stories but I don’t like watching it. The same goes for porn movies, I can’t wait it. But don’t mind reading erotica.

  • Rachel Deeming6 months ago

    I can't watch horror films but I can read it no problem at all and I think that that's for the same reason that you can write it - it's about control. I can write in most genres too although I steer clear of erotica and that's not because of prudishness but because of having kids. I want my boys to be proud of what I've written and I would feel uncomfortable at this stage of their lives with them reading erotica by their mum!

  • Great to see you on the home page with this excellent work

  • Lamar Wiggins6 months ago

    I'm more into psychological horror. I can do without the blood and can NEVER watch the surgery channel...yes, that is a thing. I do understand the lasting images you talk about. There was one movie that had that effect on me. So... Don't ever watch Hellraiser 2, I'm sure you won't but the images in that movie was too much for hopefully everyone. If you feel brave one day, I recommend "The Black Phone" I loved the story and like to write things like it. I don't remember too much gore, but the story alone gets two thumbs up, probably because I love paranormal storylines. I definitely shy away from romance unless it's an important part of any other genre, lol. Thank you for fessing up and sharing your honest views...💖

  • Kendall Defoe 6 months ago

    I really don’t care for most sports, so I stay away from that community. But I love horror! I even volunteered with a film festival that was dedicated in part to horror films... Maybe you need someone to hold your hand? 😉

  • Melissa Ingoldsby6 months ago

    I love your perspective on horror, great essay. Congratulations on top story

  • Cathy holmes6 months ago

    Congrats, my Empress.

  • Tiffany Gordon 6 months ago

    I love a great thriller but I'm cool on horror. I read it from time to time from fellow Vocalites only but I generally can't stomach watching it. TBH It seems a bit pointless to me. Although I loved it as a kid. go figure! lol

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • JBaz6 months ago

    Oh Heather, you crack me up. And you are correct there is something about Dharrs horror that somehow manages to be sweet and fun to read. She is brilliant at this. I like a horror that makes me think, other wise horror is not really my thing. My son loves it. so I think in general I am with you on this. (But I will continue to read Dharrs)

  • Suze Kay6 months ago

    It’s so funny… I consider myself a total horror buff and adore it! But hate gore/blood/torture horror. I get totally squicked out by that stuff and don’t see the point. I learned I love atmospheric dread, existential horror, and interpersonal conflict, and those are things that a lot of great horror stories revel in. My favorite horror movie is Hereditary (which despite being nominally aboit a supernatural cult, is fundamentally considering the fear of what we inherit from our parents and pass along to our own children), and my favorite book is Duma Key (the plot is about a monster haunting an island, but the real fear is the power of art to hurt the people we love). I think that kind of dynamic of supernatural horror actually representing a relatable human fear is so fun. It’s all about finding the niche! If you want to read something I wrote in this genre (where a monster takes a friend, but actually the isolation of Covid quarantine pushes people to extremes), feel free to check out my story “in the glow”. But if you’re stolid in your decision to let horror be, I totally understand haha. For me that’s self-help writing. It’s a me problem, not a genre problem.

Heather HublerWritten by Heather Hubler

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