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You Deserve to Be With Someone Who Appreciates Your Value.

You really deserve to be with someone who will look at you and realise that you are everything they could possibly want.

By The Lost GirlPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

You deserve to be surrounded by an individual who will not compel you to conform to other people's norms and expectations. They should be able to see the worth in who you are on the inside, and that should suffice. They should not force you to modify your entire life philosophy simply because that is what they believe other people want from you.

You want to be surrounded by an individual who will not force you to show your worth. You don't have to be a person who constantly tells you that you're doing too much or not doing enough of something. This person should accept you for who you are with all of the baggage that comes with it.

You really deserve to be with someone who will look at you and realise that you are everything they could possibly want. They should accept you for who you are and assure you that you will always be more than enough for them. You need to be with someone who will never allow you to doubt your feeling of self-worth; someone who will never want to diminish who you truly are.

You deserve a relationship partnered with an individual who does not force you to be this unrealistic version of yourself that only exists in your thoughts and fantasies. This individual should embrace and adore all of your mannerisms as part of your personality. They should admire the manner in which you speak and behave yourself. They ought to always be willing to appreciate the myriad oddities and one-of-a-kind characteristics that characterise you as a whole.

You deserve to be surrounded by someone who will appreciate all of the negative aspects as much as the positive aspects. They cannot, and should not, expect you to be flawless all of the time. Because being flawless would imply that you are not being true to yourself – a flawed yet lovely human.

You have to be with someone who won't make assumptions about your imperfections and defects. This person should realise how tough it is for you to deal with your various uncertainties and concerns on a daily basis. Instead of feeding into these things, they should be assisting you in convincing yourself of your value.

You ought to be with someone who sees the beauty in you irrespective of whether you don't see it in yourself. You must be with someone who will see you in the wee hours before you get ready and still believe you are the most gorgeous being on the planet.

You could put all of your flaws visible and they still wouldn't believe you're not gorgeous. You deserve to be with an individual who thinks you're gorgeous even when you're not.

As you travel through life, you will experience a few stormy days here and there. And you deserve to be with someone who will be a source of strength and brightness in these trying times. You deserve to be paired with somebody who will go out of their way to be there for you and remind you that you are never going to be alone irrespective of what.

You deserve to be with an individual who actually admires who you are. You need someone who isn't scared to show off all of your strengths and skills. You deserve to be surrounded by someone who encourages you to pursue all of your dreams. You deserve to be surrounded by an individual who encourages you to follow your life's passions.

You deserve to be surrounded by a person who will love you just as much on your bad days as on your good. You need a relationship with someone who will be at your side through the most difficult times in your life.

You will deserve to be surrounded by someone who will love you just as much on your bad days as on your good. You need to be with someone who will be at your side through the hardest moments in your life. You need someone who will accept you for who you are and in addition to the bits that are convenient for them.

You deserve to be with someone who believes in you even when you don't make sense. You deserve a person who is always willing to listen to what you have to say because they appreciate your ideas and viewpoints.

You deserve to share your life with an individual who will love you absolutely and wholeheartedly. You deserve someone who will always love you even if your circumstances change. You deserve to be with someone who genuinely cares about you.

WorkplaceTeenage yearsTabooSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingCONTENT WARNINGChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

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