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Would You Like Me To Write You A Poem?

Some Thoughts On Writing Poetry

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished about a year ago 3 min read


This thought came into my head, on how many times I have asked a variation on the title of this piece, sometimes publicly and sometimes privately.

I am surprised at the number of people who have never had a poem written for them, and even I have had poems written for me such as this one by my Vocal sister Melissa.

This is one that I wrote about us

And one that we wrote together for a Vocal Challenge in which we tried a defined visual form as well as a poem. I thought it deserved some recognition which it got from our friends and audience but it was way outside Vocal's box.

So Mikeydred The Poet

Two years ago I would have thought that was a joke, and I am sure that there are some that think that today. My imposter syndrome and slight feelings of inadequacy reinforce that but I still write my verse.

I sometimes run challenges for people to give me a writing prompt to set off what I hoped would be a lot of poems but I think the most responses I have had have been three or four. I often think people see my name, and know, but do not see me as a creator, but that is just me thinking that.

This is a post that tells you about the challenges I set

That is the public side but I have written many poems for friends that I chat with regularly, and all of them love my words, and love it when I write more for them.

These poems are usually inspired by chats and the things that I know my friends do, with friend Sophia is the "Witch Of The North" tattooist and this is one that I wrote for her.

Other friends prefer to remain anonymous, but they know the poems are for them and appreciate it. This does cause people to ask who the subject is but I always respect people's privacy and I do think the mystery adds to the mystical aura of much of my work.

The thing is Mikeydred the Poet is an ethereal spirit who does not really exist in this realm. That being can capture people's hearts and imagination and make them feel loved and appreciated but that is just a spiritual facet of me, that does not exist in the real world but makes me the channel to share his words.

Sorry if this sounds a bit like new-age twaddle. While my words might be right for someone, I might not be, though I always try to be there for people

In order to write anything, I need inspiration and I get that from the special people that I know, my Vocal friends, who chat with me, send me messages and tell me what is happening in their lives.

This is a poem for a Vocal friend I met and I think she only published one poem and disappeared, but this is what we talked about and it resulted in an ode.

And here is one for a great friend in New York. We swap videos of our walks and chat maybe every couple of months and she loves these words that spilled from my pen.

I do have so many friends who I discuss art and music with and this one shares lots of new music that I would probably not come across if she didn't tag me in videos on Facebook.

And a final one where I took inspiration from things that someone told me they loved, and this will continue for a very long time.

SecretsHumanityFriendshipBad habits

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales & Poems

7(1.2m) ֎ Fb ֎ Px ֎ Pn ֎

X ֎ In ֎ YT (0.2m) ֎ T

Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs


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Comments (3)

  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knockabout a year ago

    I've had this open on my computer since the day it was published. Read it. Wanted to think before I commented, then let it get lost behind dozens of other tabs open with stories upon which I was trying to catch up. I just read it again & still am not sure what I want to say, other than that I appreciate both your articles & poetry & just really am glad that you share them with us. You are a wonderful, moderating, intelligent, talented, uplifting presence, not just for me (as I'm sure you can tell by the feedback you receive), but for everyone you have touched. We are blessed by your writing & blessed to know you.

  • I'll always be impressed with all the things that inspire you and your great talent to write poems, especially Villanelles!

  • Kelli Sheckler-Amsdenabout a year ago

    Excellent Mike. You are a thoughtful soul. I know I am not alone in my admiration

Mike Singleton - MikeydredWritten by Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

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