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When life squeezes you out with no way back in

By Goosey Q.Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Tania Des on Unsplash

A moment to yourself. Nothing to think about but your daily routine. Brush teeth, shower, and things seem to be normal as they should. At a moment's strike, you find it in the mirror. Tears roll down your face. You find it hard to breathe as you brush your teeth. you continue to brush until the tears become overwhelming. The saliva forces you to swallow some toothpaste and you can't help but weep. You begin choking on the toothpaste and you stop so you’re not found on the floor.

By David Libeert on Unsplash


A heart so pure and filled with love, distilled in water and waiting to be saved and torn between two that nourish and fuel. One created some cracks and brought pain, while the other provided strength and paved the way to be your own savior today. Love had started to flow and traveled down its path, stuck at crossroads with no way to last.

Clinging to hope so it all feels worth it, running from pain thinking everyone knows I stuck with them and didn’t go for it. Forgetting the road that was left on the pavement, to please loved ones that told me it was worth it. No need to be saved as said such only one, keep self-care a priority and make your inner self at bay. Practice makes perfect as you wonder if prioritizing yourself means not picking another.

By Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Jealousy vs. Abandonment

Why? why is this feeling still in me? I hear the sounds through the door. The moans and the pleasure that come from you both. The memory I shared with one is now with another and is more intense and in-depth. The sounds echo in my brain. Like punches to my face and heart. Memories of how you felt like torture, and yet like a trauma response, all I hear are the voices. The noise that said I was never enough because you chose not to give me enough.

You chose not to give it a chance because you wanted to use me as a way to spite another and now after all this time, these emotions rise as a way to haunt further and crucify me. Emotions I had thought I was done for. Emotions I accepted I was passed because my conversation with the other was healing and mutually accepted. How do I cope? How do I heal when I force myself to heal in a way that contradicts my well-being?

Maybe the friend is correct in living alone being the best medicine for everything. separation from life and the ties that bind you. The traumas and the triggers remind you that you were never enough. To be alone in the world to be forced to care for yourself and your own well-being. To only connect with those that you give your time to while not paying mind to the ones that don't give you the time of day. So in this time and the rest of this sentence, I will distract the self and fuel with food and nourishment.

By Federico Beccari on Unsplash

Shifting Powers

When the world collapse and you give in to power, you see such light that governs and devours. Powered by strength, held deep within, love for you and yourself is how together we shall win. Battle the battles like everyone else, being unique to each other is how witches felt—circled together around the cauldron smoke, whispering words and engulfing old folk. Winter wonderland to chill out the flames, snow flurries, and frozen gaze. Time to amp up and freeze the night, battle these creatures with your powers of might. Self Respect and trust in yourself, because life gets harder the more you don't pick yourself.

Bad habitsChildhoodDatingEmbarrassmentFamilyFriendshipHumanitySecretsTaboo

About the Creator

Goosey Q.

A Portfolio of Written Pieces from Poetry & Reviews, to Positive Affirmations & Mental Health. This page is to Inform, Educate, & Inspire people to take a positive outlook on life while relating to struggles that we have or haven’t faced.

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