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The Empathy Struggle: Navigating Love and Relationships as a Highly Empathic Person

Overcoming Trust Issues and Setting Appropriate Boundaries

By Misty RothermundPublished 12 months ago 6 min read
The Empathy Struggle: Navigating Love and Relationships as a Highly Empathic Person
Photo by Kamila Maciejewska on Unsplash

Empathy is a wonderful trait that allows us to connect with others and understand their emotions. However, for highly empathic individuals, this gift can sometimes feel like a curse. The ability to sense and absorb the emotions of others can be overwhelming, leading to emotional overload and burnout. In this post, we'll explore some of the typical challenges that highly empathic beings face in everyday life and offer tips for navigating them.

Emotional Overload and Burnout

One of the most common challenges that highly empathic individuals face is emotional overload. Empaths have a heightened sensitivity to the emotions of others, which means that they can easily become overwhelmed by the emotions around them. This can lead to a sense of emotional exhaustion and burnout, which can affect their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

For example, imagine an empathic teacher who is attuned to the needs of her students. She is constantly picking up on their emotions and struggles, which can be exhausting. She may feel drained and emotionally depleted at the end of the day, even though she loves her job and cares deeply about her students. If she doesn't take steps to prioritize her self-care and set boundaries, she may find herself experiencing burnout and feeling unable to continue in her role.

To combat emotional overload and burnout, it's important for highly empathic individuals to prioritize self-care. This can include activities like meditation, exercise, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative pursuits. It's also important to set boundaries around emotional involvement with others. While it's natural for empaths to want to help and support others, it's crucial to recognize when their own emotional well-being is at risk and take steps to protect it. By taking care of themselves, empaths can better manage their emotions and avoid burnout.

Difficulty Setting Boundaries

Highly empathic individuals often have a strong desire to help others, and this can make it difficult for them to say no when asked for assistance. They may also feel guilty when setting boundaries or saying no, believing that it is selfish or uncaring. However, failing to set boundaries can lead to taking on too much responsibility and neglecting one's own needs, which can result in burnout and emotional exhaustion.

For example, imagine an empathic friend who is always available to listen and offer support to her loved ones. She may find herself taking on their problems and emotions, even when it's not healthy for her to do so. She may neglect her own self-care and feel drained and exhausted as a result. If she doesn't learn to set boundaries and prioritize her own well-being, she may find herself unable to continue offering support to others.

To combat difficulty setting boundaries, it's important for highly empathic individuals to recognize the importance of self-care and prioritize it in their lives. This can include activities like taking time for themselves, engaging in hobbies or passions, and practicing mindfulness or meditation. It's also important to communicate boundaries clearly and assertively with others, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. By setting boundaries, empaths can protect their emotional well-being and ensure that they have the energy and capacity to continue offering support to others in a healthy and sustainable way.

Absorbing Negative Energy

Highly empathic individuals have a natural ability to pick up on the emotions of others, but this can also mean that they absorb negative energy and emotions from those around them. This can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, or stress that may not be entirely their own. If left unaddressed, this can lead to emotional overload and burnout.

For example, imagine an empathic counselor who is working with clients who have experienced trauma or difficult life circumstances. While she is able to provide support and guidance to her clients, she may find herself absorbing their negative emotions and feeling drained as a result. If she doesn't take steps to manage her own emotional well-being and protect herself from the negative energy of her clients, she may find it difficult to continue in her role.

To combat absorbing negative energy, it's important for highly empathic individuals to practice techniques that help them maintain their emotional boundaries. This can include visualizing a protective shield around themselves, practicing mindfulness or meditation, and practicing self-care activities that help them feel grounded and centered. It's also important to recognize when to take a break from environments or individuals that are emotionally taxing, and to prioritize time spent with people and in situations that uplift and energize them. By taking steps to manage their own emotional boundaries, empaths can better manage the negative energy around them and prevent emotional overload and burnout.

Trust Issues

Highly empathic individuals may struggle with trust issues, particularly if they have experienced betrayal or trauma in the past. Their ability to pick up on the emotions of others can make them more attuned to signs of deception or dishonesty, and they may be more cautious when building relationships with others.

For example, imagine an empathic person who has been in relationships where they have been taken advantage of or betrayed. They may struggle to trust new partners or friends, and may find themselves constantly looking for signs of dishonesty or deception. If they don't address these trust issues, they may find it difficult to form close relationships and may feel isolated and alone.

To combat trust issues, it's important for highly empathic individuals to recognize the impact of past experiences on their current relationships, and to take steps to address any underlying trauma or emotional wounds. This can include therapy, self-reflection, and practicing self-compassion. It's also important to communicate openly and honestly with others, and to be clear about boundaries and expectations in relationships. By working through trust issues and prioritizing open communication, empaths can form deep and meaningful connections with others while also protecting their emotional well-being.

Feeling Misunderstood

Highly empathic individuals may often feel misunderstood or like they don't quite fit in with those around them. Their ability to pick up on subtle emotional cues and to sense the needs of others can make it difficult for them to relate to people who don't share these traits.

For example, imagine an empathic employee who works in a corporate environment that values competition and individual achievement. They may struggle to understand the cut-throat nature of the workplace and the lack of emphasis on collaboration and emotional intelligence. This can leave them feeling isolated and misunderstood, as they don't share the same values as their coworkers.

To combat feeling misunderstood, it's important for highly empathic individuals to find communities and environments that value emotional intelligence and collaboration. This can include seeking out workplaces or social groups that prioritize these traits, or connecting with other empaths who share similar experiences. It's also important to practice self-acceptance and to recognize that being different is not a weakness, but rather a unique strength. By embracing their unique qualities and seeking out environments that support and validate them, empaths can thrive and find fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.


Empathy is a powerful gift that allows us to connect with others and understand their emotions. However, for highly empathic individuals, it can also present some challenges. Emotional overload, difficulty setting boundaries, absorbing negative energy, trust issues, and feeling misunderstood are just some of the common struggles that empaths face. By practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking out supportive relationships, highly empathic beings can navigate these challenges and embrace their unique gifts with greater ease and confidence.

WorkplaceHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

Misty Rothermund

Misty has an insatiable curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She's always on the hunt for answers and solutions to real-life problems, and she won't rest until she finds them.

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