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Happy no matter what

Maintaining your Happiness no matter what

By real JemaPublished 2 days ago 4 min read

It's pretty clear that the objective of every single person on earth is to be happy, it just comes down to what that means for you. Everything we do always has as objective to make us happy. Added to that, our brain has been able to convince us to do things which don’t always act in our advantage, but it makes us get the feeling that we are happy.It's difficult to get a person to do something which doesn’t make them happy over a long period of time. Maybe in a short while we might succeed with that, but if a person’s mind doesn’t come to terms with their actions, then they’ll have a mental break-down.

In our quest for happiness, we often come into stumbling blocks, things which us from being happy. Happy no matter what is a way by which we force ourselves to be happy even when things are leading us in the opposite direction, how can we do that then?

No shortage of problems

Needless to say, there are no shortages of problems in the world, from things which seek to disturb you to the unfortunate events which might happen in your life. There is no need to seek for these things, they always know where to find you, and their occurrence in your life is very much random. For the problems we can predict it's easy to deal with them and even just awareness of the existence already provides comfort, but for most problems we can’t see them coming and it's this aspect of surprise which makes their impact on us even worse.

I can’t possibly claim to provide you a general solution to all your problems or give you a magical solution not to get impacted by all those random events. What I can rather show you is a strategy you can adapt to get through it all no matter what happens, there is little guarantee however that this strategy will work, especially when these tragedies become recurrent or intense.

Maintaining your Happiness

With so many things trying to take away our happiness, a deliberate and persistent effort needs to be put in place in order to maintain this happiness.

Whether it's other persons, events or just some random mistakes, there is a huge plethora of things which are gunning for our happiness. Your boss and all the stress they put on you, a spouse and their emotional distress, children, and their mistakes, friends and acquaintances with their personal interest and much more. All of these things have a potential to take away your happiness, without even mentioning your own mistakes, by default even our minds are focused on their own interests. In order to maintain your happiness, you must remember that it's an everyday fight, a battle you have to fight every single waking moment. It's like the smile on your face, by default it's folding downwards so every single moment you have to remember to fold it upwards into a smile, that’s how you have to think about your happiness.

You have to think about your happiness as being above everything else, not in the sense of you being egotistical and doing everything which benefits only you. Rather, in the sense of you maintaining a smile and a positive mindset no matter what you do or what happens to you.

Right now there are people in deep poverty who are able to find a smile, someone is terminally ill and still has the courage to smile, somebody lost all they have and they still have the power to laugh, so if such persons are able to find a smile despite their circumstances then I think you who isn’t going through all that can also do so.

Like I said, two things, keeping your smile and maintaining your positivity no matter what. I didn’t talk about any actions you should take, neither did I say you should change your character, all I said is maintain your positivity and keep your smile up through all of those problems.

How to stay positive

I sometimes reflect on what the life of a comedian should be like, your job is to make people laugh, not matter what might be going on in your personal life. Every day, you have to think about new jokes and make up ideas in your mind to make people laugh. You go through the same events as everybody else and face the same challenges, but still you have to keep a positive attitude. The only way you can possibly make this work is by turning your sad events into funny moments you can share with everybody and that's how we’ve ended up with comedians who make fun of everyone, even themselves.

I once watched a comedian make a joke about how he was going to die very soon, at the moment people didn’t realize the gravity of what he was talking about, but eventually they did. The best part of that moment was how he was able to make light of such a grave situation, laughing at your own detriment. What that showed me was that there isn’t really anything which can’t be made fun of, it just comes down to how good of a joke you make it out to be.

Happy no matter what will require for you to give up on logic sometimes, everything isn’t going to make sense. You’ll have to become numb to certain emotions, and you can’t possibly be happy and embrace certain emotions at the same time, eventually you’ll have to make a choice.


To be happy no matter what will require for you to become somewhat of a comedian, to be able to make light of every situation that happens in your life. It will require that you give up on certain emotions such as; sadness, pessimism, cynicism and for you to dedicate every waking moment of your life to keeping a smile on your face and a positive attitude no matter the tragedies or happy moments.

It's not meant for everybody and it's something quite difficult to accomplish, but if that’s something you might want for yourself, this is a strategy for you to do so.


Thanks for reading 😊

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HumanitySecretsSchoolFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

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real Jema

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Comments (1)

  • Mark Graham2 days ago

    That is what life is all about. Being positive and keeping a smile present whenever you can. Good work.

real JemaWritten by real Jema

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