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11 Indications That Your Wife Is Lying On You

She might be exhibiting strange behavioural changes.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

If you want to discover the true truth, numbers aren't going to help you. According to studies, more than 65% of women have had emotional affairs outside of their marriages. According to further data, 58% of women cheat on their men because they are dissatisfied in their relationship, and more than 70% of women have cheated on their spouses more than once.

Of course, there are several indicators that your girlfriend is cheating on you. She might be exhibiting strange behavioural changes. However, it is critical that you become aware of these warning signals since you do not want to be made a fool of. You want to ensure that the lady you're dating will always be faithful and honest to you. You desire a woman who will not violate your confidence. Continue reading to learn about the warning indicators to look out for:

1. Out of nowhere, she begins experimenting with you in bed. She's developed some new movements all of a sudden. She's introducing new postures and approaches into your workout programme. And for what purpose? It's straightforward. Either she's using you as a test subject for things she can try on someone else, or you're the benefactor of all the experiments she's done on someone else.

2. She begins to give you a lot of space in your relationship - even space you didn't actually ask for. She no longer feels the need to bridge the distance between the two of you. She isn't involved in the relationship to the degree where she desires closeness with you. She simply allows you to do your thing while she does hers.

3. She becomes quite private about her activities. When you ask her about her plans, she constantly offers you vague and confusing responses. She no longer gives you the impression that she is comfortable opening up to you about anything in your relationship.

4.She no longer gets furious or jealous in your relationship. She doesn't become angry or irritated with you when you make mistakes in the relationship. She no longer acts envious when you devote more time to other activities. Why? Because the remorse she feels as a result of betraying you prevents her from doing so.

5. She is extremely sweet and affectionate to you - much more than normal. Even if the change is favourable, a rapid character shift in the relationship is usually a warning flag. Yes, you always want your girl to be nicer to you. However, this might all be a ruse. She might be overcompensating because she feels bad for cheating on you behind your back.

6.She asks you about weird hypotheticals that revolve around unfaithfulness and infidelity. She asks you if you would ever cheat on her. She asks if it would ever be possible for people to fall in love with individuals outside of the relationship. You should definitely be taking these inquiries as red flags with the things that are going on in her life.

7. You find new clothes, accessories, or perfumes in her closet that you have never seen before. It’s either she’s wearing these for a guy you are not completely aware of or someone else is getting these things for her. You should definitely be wary of when you find out that your girl has some hidden lingerie that she’s been keeping from you.

8.You note that she smells a lot different than she usually does. She has most likely been exposing herself to another individual for an extended length of time. That's how the new scent is really affecting her.

9. She informs you that she spends a lot of time working. Or she may tell you that she frequently goes out with her pals. When you see your girlfriend spending more time on anything else, you should really be concerned since she might be cheating on you and lying to you.

10. She begins to form new habits or pursues whole new hobbies. We tend to mimic the individuals we admire and are exposed to the most. That's why, if she's adopting new habits and hobbies, it's most likely because she's been spending a lot of time with another person.

11. She frequently engages in dubious behaviour with her phone and computer. You get the impression that she's attempting to hide something from you, and it's most likely all of the proof of her adultery.

Teenage yearsWorkplaceTabooSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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