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What it is like to finally be 11 years sober

I started using because that is who I hung with in high school, but my using got more out of control over the years.

By Kerrie G.DiazPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
What it is like to finally be 11 years sober
Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

I never knew using was even a bad thing. My whole family used drugs. My parents both smoked weed and my father was also an alcoholic. My grandfather died of alcoholism. My two uncles also died from drinking, they all took after their father. So my house always had drugs. My dad use to grow it in the house.

So I started partying in high school. I used to get high all the time and drink anytime I could get. I started getting into harder things in my last year of high school. I partied way too much and dated a man that drank at 16 and his mother allowed it. So drinking with his family came next. Him and his sister. Then when I was 17 I ran away to go be with him and he showed me that he did even harder drugs.

I ended up having his baby. I did stay sober for my first child. Then as soon as she was born I was then back to drugging and drinking. I always took care of my daughter, I always worked, and I just partied on the weekend. I always made sure my daughter was taken care of. Never had any drugs in the house. Alcohol was in the house. Not regularly. I did not drink in front of my daughter. Only when she was asleep.

Life stayed like that for many years. I had a son and I did not use drugs but did drink a little with him. I do not say this for anyone to do this. This could be the reason my son has issues today. He is 21 now went through some rough times at 15 and has bad anxiety issues now. I don't think it was my drinking ( I never got drunk, was only one day a week I had a couple of drinks nothing more) The drinking could be a part of his problems so please, do not drink while pregnant.

My use than just went to pills after he was born. Pills and alcohol.

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So I used for about ten years and even started back on harder stuff when I couldn't find my pills. I had gotten married so the drinking slowed and then stopped. I fell asleep after one or two beers and sat up leaning on a chair. I did not fall thank goodness. Then I had a bad urine analysis for the first time. My doctor did not ween me off fentanyl just took me straight off. So I still had to do something for pain and buying drugs off the street is too expensive. Time for rehab.

My friend showed me where the local medicine assistant recovery clinic is. Was the best thing I could have ever done. If anyone needs help I have some advice that may be hard butis something you really want it can be achieved with these few rules that helped me.

1. Change your phone number. You do not need your dealer or old-using friend to contact you. Even family if that is who you used with, or get drugs from, let no one you used drugs with have your new number.

2. Move if you live in the heart of it. The only way as hard as it might be. Easy access, easy use. Same with #1, phone number, having access to using people will lead to easy access for you.

3. Go to rehab. Detox or like me, go to drug-assisted rehab.

4. Counseling. I think this is one of the most important parts of recovery. You need to get to the heart of why you use. If it’s pain, what else can be done besides drugs. If it’s how you grew up. Think of ways to change habits. This is 100% the most important part of recovery. Drug assistance is maybe 20% of the recovery, counseling is 80%.

5. Need to be drug-free. This includes other drugs that you may feel you do not have an issue with. If you are trying to stop heroin addiction, drinking will not help. You could either switch addictions or when you are drunk you can easily not think of your recovery and relapse.

6. Surround yourself with drug-free people. If this is in NA or AA or any other group. However, you chose to do it. Will help to finally be around people that are sober when you hung around people who only used before.

7. Work on any legal issues you may have. This could be a huge stressor and if you do not know how to handle stress without using to not feel the stress(not deal with your stress feelings) Need to learn how to deal with stress. It is easier to deal with after you have learned to be sober for a while.

Think this covers most of the main things that can help you get started on your recovery. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to reply or send me an email. There are also recovery groups on Facebook and a methadone group on Facebook. A lot of resources out there. It is hard work but it is worth it.

I now have a happy and enjoyable life. I go fishing, I write, and so much more. Having a clear mind gives you the ability to do the things you once enjoyed. Good luck.


About the Creator

Kerrie G.Diaz

The goal of my writing is to put a smile, help, or scare them. I love all kinds of topics Horror and paranormal are my favorite but really into true crime. If you like what you read please tip me with a coffee

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