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We All Have A Childhood Fear That Never Went Away.

Even As Adults.

By Carol TownendPublished about a year ago 3 min read
We All Have A Childhood Fear That Never Went Away.
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

As a child, I was afraid of:

  • Water
  • Ghosts
  • Spiders
  • Thunder and Lightening
  • The wind.

Some of these fears never went away. I can watch thunder and lightning on television, but in real life, I can't be outdoors in it.

I used to be afraid of ghosts, but I see ghosts all the time, and as I got used to it that fear disappeared.

Yes, go ahead and tell me they don't exist; then when you finally encounter one...don't come crying to me!

Spiders...I Hate Them, Even Now!

By Ed van duijn on Unsplash

I don't know why but I have severe arachnophobia

I couldn't kill a spider even if I wanted to, because the slightest sight of one makes me run.

A Funny(ish) story

When we first moved to Bournemouth, we moved into a house at the side of an allotment. As a result, we kept getting some huge black spiders in our house. One night, I was showering when a great big fat black spider decided to crawl down the shower wall, right at the back of me.

I quickly climbed out of the shower, and when my husband came to my rescue I was shaking. It took me an hour to get back in the shower because I insisted on a very thorough inspection for spiders.

By Nazrin Babashova on Unsplash


I love watching the sea, taking showers and baths, and I love swimming in shallow water. I avoid deep water with a vengeance. A swimming teacher frequently pushed me into deep water when I was at school and I nearly drowned, and that childhood fear has stayed with me ever since.

By Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Thunder And Lightning

By Michał Mancewicz on Unsplash

I can watch it on television, and I can even include it in my stories, but you'll never catch me outside in a thunderstorm. Fear of thunder and lightning is known as Astraphobia

It is very common in children but usually resolves itself in adulthood. However, for some adults; this fear can stay with them for a lifetime.


By Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

People say they don't exist, but I can tell you they do.

I met one in a flat where I was doing therapy. It used to come right to my bed, and it smashed a vase, then set my phone off!

Like many who have had this experience, I thought I was going crazy until I invited my husband to stay with me,

and he witnessed it too.

I have an uncanny knack for seeing ghosts, though I'm used to it now. However, I thought that this was worth a mention since they can terrify people!

The Wind

By Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

I can cope with light wind.

I can't cope with the heavy wind.

I nearly got caught in a tornado-style wind while pushing my baby in a pram when I was a young parent. It started off as a blue sky and sun, then the clouds turned white and it started snowing. Suddenly, the wind became so furious and intense that I couldn't see where I was going, and I couldn't push the pram.

I was terrified that we would be killed.

If it wasn't for the gentleman who helped me home that day, we might have been.

I have had a fear of high winds since childhood, as we used to get caught in them often on the way to school. I hardly ever venture out in windy weather because of that fear; however, that particular day when my child was a baby, we weren't expecting any extreme weather; so, it took me completely by surprise.


As children, we all have fears that we grow out of as we get older. However, there are some fears that can last into adulthood and an entire lifetime.

Some fears are a normal part of life; they are designed to protect you so that you can choose how to react.

Don't let anyone tell you that they have no fear, because even those people who say that they are strong are afraid of at least one thing.


About the Creator

Carol Townend

Fiction, Horror, Sex, Love, Mental Health, Children's fiction and more. You'll find many stories in my profile. I don't believe in sticking with one Niche! I write, but I also read a lot too.

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  • L.C. Schäferabout a year ago

    The things we are afraid of can be a good source of inspiration, don't you think?

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