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Shhh! It's Mental

Mental Health... A Secret?

By The Graceful TruthPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
Be Different

Mental health is a taboo in many parts of the world. Its embarrassing to say I suffer with depression, anxiety etc. But why? Why do we feel its not something we can openly share with others in the hopes of a solution. 1 in 4 people around the world are going through something similar to you so why not compare and discuss?

I personally am dealing with anxiety and would love to share my experience with you, in the hopes of it being relatable to you. Maybe we aren't so weird after all? We can help each other by sharing tips and ways that we deal with these mental health problems.

So here goes, top 5 ways I deal with my anxiety:

#1 Breathe

When I start to feel that the thought of something is making me panic I stop what I'm doing and breathe through it. Be aware of the way you are feeling and breathe in and out until your heart stops racing and your palms stop sweating. This will help your brain calm down and go back to its normal rate. This can also connect with meditation and being mindful of your actions. Noticing yourself breathing and paying attention to that can create an awareness of your body and your surroundings.

#2 Don't Overthink

I find if I'm feeling anxious about going to an event, party, exam (or just about anything) I have to stop overthinking myself into not going. Its a fight or flight scenario and I always tend to flight. But why? It's easier to not go than face the reality. To avoid getting to that stage, don't overthink it. Just let it happen, cross the bridge when you get there. Don't think about what could go wrong just get to the place and then you will feel better. And most of the time, you think, "that wasn't so bad".

#3 Keep Busy

Keeping active and busy will reduce the amount of spare time you use on worrying and building anxiety that can be avoided. I know a lot of anxiety is natural and can't be avoided, but some can. If you find yourself sitting and thinking about a topic that makes you anxious, do something! Anything. I bake, I find it relaxing and and an activity that I enjoy. Find what works for you.

#4 No Caffeine

Caffeine is something I try to stay away from as much as possible. The rush it gives your mind can bring on the same sensation that anxiety does. I find it very stressful to have to deal with that when it can be avoided. Skip that morning coffee for a glass of cold water to wake you up. It's not worth the trouble it causes. This applies to alcohol, too; it would fuel the anxiety rather than help reduce it.

#5 Exercise

Release that built up tension in your body and let out a sweat. This has been a big factor in coping with my anxiety. If I have time, I always try to get some exercise in my day. It could be anything, just get moving. One form of exercise I love is yoga; I have found yoga very useful. It helps me calm down and centre myself. If you aren't an exercise lover, then yoga might be for you. Yoga is less intense but more powerful.

I am still learning ways in which I can reduce my anxiety, but I hope this would have helped in any way. Keep going strong, you won't be defeated by this. We are in this together. :)


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The Graceful Truth

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    The Graceful TruthWritten by The Graceful Truth

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