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Read This If You Want To Change Your Attitude Towards Drinking

Use this psychological trick to help you quit or cut down

By Caryn GPublished 8 months ago 6 min read

“Warning: when feelings become the means of thinking, or if we cannot think greater than how we feel, we can never change. To change is to think greater than how we feel. To change is to act greater than the familiar feelings of the memorized self.”

― Joe Dispenza,

When it comes to alcohol, many people think of it as food.

They talk about beer, wine, and liquor as if they are essential items on the dinner table. They are not. The quicker you make that distinction, the quicker you can dump the booze and get your life back.

We all love to use the phrase food & drinks as a colloquial term for food and alcohol. Saying, "we’re going out for drinks," creates that warm fuzzy feeling. The anticipation of a good night out.

It’s all very emotional. Which is exactly what the alcohol companies want you to be. They want you to have an emotional connection to a non-functional poisoning liquid with the power to destroy your body and your life.

Alcohol Is Not Food And It’s Not Essential.

If you’re trying to cut back or quit, then it’s critical that you understand this and really take it to heart.

In fact, alcohol is a liquid that does nothing to support your bodily functions. It’s actually quite the opposite. Take sleep, for example. Just 1 glass is going to reduce the quality of your sleep by 9.3%.

As a heavy, regular, social drinker or just an alcohol drinker, you are consistently filling your body with a non-functional poisonous liquid that not only inhibits peak performance but actively downgrades your systems.

Think about that for a moment.

If you had a brand new Ferrari, would you put cheap contaminated oil into the engine?

What about if you got yourself a brand new Mac computer? Would you put a cheap dodgy battery in that could potentially explode? It's the same as going for a workout and then stuffing your face with an extra large happy meal. Completely pointless and self-sabotaging.

I’m guessing you know they’re the wrong things to do, just like at some level, you know it's harmful to drink alcohol.

Unbelievably, when it comes to your body, you’re willing to fill it with crap and then complain when it stops performing at its best.

Athletes and bodybuilders don’t pollute their bodies like drinkers do. Not only do they work their bodies hard, they also have a pretty neat trick that helps keep them healthy. You can also use this trick.

Peak performers make a clear distinction about the food & drink they put into their body. It’s either functional or non-functional.

They don’t call it food — they call it fuel for their bodies. They take in lean protein or stock up on healthy carbs. Let’s get crystal clear on this. Alcohol isn’t good fuel for your body. It is the exact opposite — it’s non-functional poisonous fuel for your body.

So, why do we continue to talk about it as if it were a healthy food?

Perspective Is Key

There are many benefits to shifting your perspective on alcohol.

By labelling alcohol as a poisonous non-functional liquid, it helps to shift your focus away from the booze and onto some things more important — your body & your life!

This small change in perspective and focus might help you think more about what you are putting into your system and how you are showing up in your life. You’re a quality machine and you deserve quality fuel so you can perform at your optimum and live your best life.

Quit putting in the crap!

When you have good quality fuel, your system will start to repair itself and regain its full functionality. This is a big win for mind, body and spirit, not to mention everyone who currently suffers because of your drinking.

Using this powerful psychological trick can help you to cut back on your consumption.

If you think of alcohol as a non-essential liquid, you may be less inclined to drink as much of it. I’m currently using the technique to cut out refined sugar from my diet. It’s helping, and as a result, I’m now experiencing some very unpleasant sugar withdrawal symptoms. Headaches, extreme tiredness, looking and feeling like crap. If it sounds like a detox, that’s exactly what it is!

Cut The Ties

Using this shift in perspective can help to reduce the stigma around alcohol.

When people wise up and want to quit drinking or when they are forced to because they are no longer able to function without booze, they are shunned by society. They are often overwhelmed by emotions.

Lots of drinkers feel guilty or ashamed about their consumption of non-essential fuel. It’s a really unpleasant feeling that eats you alive if not checked.

Many people are too scared to admit their drinking is a headache they want to be free from. But if you think of alcohol as a non-functional liquid, it takes away the emotional attachment and opens up the door for new decisions to be made.

When people invite you out for a drink, try replacing the vocabulary. For example, if your friend says,

‘Do you fancy popping out for food and drinks?’

Replace the vocabulary and then ask yourself, ‘Do I want to go out for food and a non-functional poisonous drink?’

This shift in perspective will give you time to view things in a more objective light. You may be surprised at the benefits of giving yourself this new viewpoint. You may find it liberating because you no longer have to label yourself as an alcoholic.

Final Thoughts

Our life is the sum of our choices. Sometimes, we need help to make wiser decisions. Using this psychological technique to reframe language will help you regain your freedom of choice.

You can choose to drink non-functional fuel or you can choose not to. Ultimately, it’s down to you, but regaining some power in some part of your life will help you in all parts of life.

“To be empowered — to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine — that is who you are…. Once you feel this way, memorize this feeling; remember this feeling. This is who you really are….” Joe Dispenza

Remember, it’s your journey, your life, your choice.

I hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. Let’s stay connected and add any comments or thoughts below.

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About the Creator

Caryn G

Loves coffee & life.

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