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Psycological Facts That Will Save Your Life

Facts that will heal you in a better way

By Renewed SoulPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Psychology changed your life if you're a long time fan of psych2Go you know that psychology can improve your relationships heal mental wounds and help you cope with difficult circumstances but did you know that psychology can even save your life there are lots of things you might not know about how the human mind can put you in danger or help you escape it here are some psychology facts that can save your life someone else will get it to do this:

1. Psychology can help improve your relationships, health, and coping skills.

2. Psychology can also literally save your life through insights into human behavior.

3.The bystander effect explains that the more bystanders are present during a crisis, the less likely anyone is to intervene. Pointing at individuals can overcome this.For example:

you're walking across a parking lot when you bump into someone you apologize but the other person won't have it suddenly they grab you by the shoulder and forcefully shove you to the ground talk about an overreaction luckily it's a crowded area so someone will help before the conflict escalates right unfortunately there's something called the bystander effect which explains that the more bystanders are present in a crisis the less likely they are to intervene they assume someone also help so they don't have to to prove this a 2019 study tracked hundreds of bystanders in CCTV footage of violent incidents across Copenhagen they found that additional bystanders reduce the chances of intervention especially if they were strangers they're not heartless it's just tempting to think no someone else will do it when in a large crowd researchers suggest that in emergencies you can trigger intervention by pointing at individual bystanders and delegating specific actions like calling the police to make it their individual responsibility this fact may help save someone's life including yours

4.FBI profiler Mary Ellen O'Toole says we tend to distrust strangers but trust acquaintances. Many dangerous people appear normal on the outside.

5.Warning signs of a potentially dangerous person include impulsive behavior, excessive anger, narcissism, and lack of empathy.

6.Sleep deprivation can have effects similar to being drunk, slowing cognition and alertness. Getting enough sleep is important for health.

according to the National sleep Foundation teenagers need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night and adults need seven to nine hours sleep has a huge effect on memory cognition concentration mood and accident rates the next time you're tempted to stay up save yourself from Calamity the next day by using the military Sleep Method to get to sleep quickly and refresh your body and mind firstly get into a comfortable position and exhale slowly while releasing the tension in your muscles relax your shoulders to loosen your arms and hands continue to breathe in and out and flex your toes finally empty your mind and imagine that you are lying on a canoe on a still Lake if any thoughts come to mind repeat don't think until they go away with enough practice you'll be able to sleep like a pro Keep Calm and Carry On if you've had a panic attack you already know but if you haven't let's set the scene your heart is pounding you're sweating everywhere you can't breathe but are breathing too fast at the same time and you can't control your thoughts panic attacks aren't pretty and they can often arise during stressful situations when thinking clearly is vital if a panic attack has already started you may not be able to contact your therapist or remember A coping technique so how can you help to end the attack you might be surprised at the answer in a study by NYU school of medicine and Boston University participants with panic disorder were assigned to either suppress their emotions or accept them ironically using the coping strategies you've been taught while in the panic attack actually made it worse these techniques draw attention to your inner anxiety thus making the attack more intense using acceptance techniques resulted in significantly less anxiety and avoidance instead of treating a panic attack as a problem to control you can simply recognize that it's happening acknowledge it in your mind or allowed except that this is temporary and that these feelings will pass if this works for you

7.Accepting panic attacks rather than trying to suppress them can help reduce anxiety and shorten the attack.

In summary, psychology can provide insights that literally save lives. The text gives examples related to bystander effect, recognizing dangerous people, the effects of sleep, and managing panic attacks. The key takeaway is that human behavior can be counterintuitive, and psychological knowledge can help overcome these shortcomings.

panic attacksanxietyadvice

About the Creator

Renewed Soul

Some individuals may prefer solitude to embrace their perspectives or creativity.However, a good balance of perspectives and collaboration often breeds further innovation

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