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The Ancient Tale of Narcissus: The Original Selfie Obsession

The Myth of Narcissus in Greek Mythology

By Rouge LPublished 27 days ago 3 min read
The Ancient Tale of Narcissus: The Original Selfie Obsession
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The Myth of Narcissus in Greek Mythology


In Greek mythology, Narcissus was the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. Known for his unparalleled beauty, Narcissus's tale is one of tragedy and self-obsession. In the vast tapestry of Greek and Roman mythology, one figure stands out for his unparalleled beauty and tragic demise. The tale of Narcissus serves as a cautionary reminder of the dangers of excessive self-love and vanity.

The Story of Narcissus

According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book III, Narcissus's mother was foretold that he would live a long life as long as he never knew himself. He loved no one until one crucial moment in his life – the appearance of his reflection in the water his eyes and soul forever. Entranced by reflection in a pool of water, Narcissus fell deeply in love with the image, unaware that it was merely a reflection of himself. The first time in his entire existence, he saw himself, an impossibly handsome young man, staring back at him in the water. sumed by his own beauty, he wasted away, unable to tear himself away from his own reflection until he eventually perished, turning into the narcissus flower that bears his name.

The Symbolism of Narcissus

The myth of Narcissus serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity and self-obsession. It highlights the destructive nature of excessive self-love and the consequences of being unable to see beyond one's own reflection. The narcissus flower, with its delicate beauty and ephemeral nature, symbolizes self-love and the transient nature of physical beauty.

The Enigmatic Narcissus

Narcissus was a handsome youth, renowned for his striking features and captivating allure. His beauty drew admiration from all who beheld him, yet he remained indifferent to the adoration of others. Narcissus's self-absorption knew no bounds, leading him to spurn the affections of those who sought his attention.

The Fateful Encounter

One day, while wandering through the woods, Narcissus chanced upon a shimmering pond. As he peered into the water, he caught sight of his own reflection and was immediately entranced by the image staring back at him. Mesmerized by his own beauty, Narcissus became consumed by his reflection, unaware that it was merely a fleeting mirage.

The Tragic End

No matter how fervently Narcissus reached out to embrace his reflection, his efforts were in vain. The illusory image could never be grasped, leaving Narcissus to wither away in despair and unrequited love. In the end, all that remained of the once proud youth was a delicate flower that bore his name, forever immortalizing his tragic tale.

Lessons from Narcissus

The myth of Narcissus serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers of excessive self-absorption and vanity. In a world consumed by the allure of selfies and social media validation, the story of Narcissus offers a sobering reflection on the emptiness of superficial admiration.

Embracing Authenticity

Rather than seeking validation from external sources, we would do well to cultivate a sense of inner worth and authenticity. True beauty lies not in the fleeting image we see reflected back at us, but in the depth of character and integrity that define who we are.


As we navigate the digital age of selfies and self-promotion, let us not forget the cautionary tale of Narcissus. By embracing authenticity and humility, we can transcend the superficial trappings of vanity and find true fulfillment in the richness of our own humanity. As of the same thing for us, loving ourselves excessively sometimes created by a false image that we built up to convince ourselves that we are enough and we do not need love from others. This thinking kills humanity by disconnect humans to each other.


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