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In fact, life is a kind of strength


By Christy R DavisPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Because of the rainy weather, I did not go to patronize the bonsai on the balcony for several days. When I went out today, I was shocked to see that one of the pots was already full of leaves and dying, but beside her, an unknown plant was growing luxuriantly and swaying proudly in the wind. A sadness instantly rose from my heart, and I both blamed myself for my negligence and lamented the fragility of the bonsai. I urgently rehydrated the bonsai, but I could not eradicate the exotic and unknown plant.

What kind of life is this? While the bonsai was losing its luster and dying due to the lack of attention, she seized this gap and grew vigorously. Yes, if I had paid attention to her, she might have been eradicated at an inconspicuous time. After all, that is the world of bonsai, and her unaffiliated life eventually destroyed that sculpted beauty. But in a few days, she was undaunted by the lack of water and took the opportunity to grow herself as tall as a bonsai, joyfully flaunting her life.

I looked at the dying bonsai and the unknown plant, and I suddenly realized something amid sadness and emotion: in fact, life is a kind of strength.

Isn't it? This is true for plants, and this is also true for people.

Life is born because the mother and the baby are strong together.

Life comes from strength. Life cannot be separated from strength.

After we are born, we live with strength every day. I think no one wants to be sick, sad, or even toil if they have a choice. But from birth, no one can help but deal with some minor or even major illnesses, endure and struggle with strength. Anyone would like to sleep until they wake up every day, sunshine, listen to songs, and look at the scenery, but everyone, from a very young, for their reasons or parental reasons, every day has to reluctantly get up the alarm clock or parental call, and then do what should be done, or study or work, must rely on strong, to work hard, too hard, to make a living, as long as this, to stay in life, to create the wonderful life.

There is no pure land in the earthly world where one can do as one pleases, and there is always too great a distance between the ideal and reality. If the gap is too far, the gap is too big; if the environment in which you live is poor, always neglected, always hurt; if the disease is haunted, loved ones abandoned; if too much of life is gray. Strength is the support of life.

Life is a kind of strength. Life cannot be lived without strength.

We must be strong every day to face all the daily chores; to inspire the neglected and hurt the soul; to save the sick and rebellious mind and body; to fight against the world's gray and dirty.

Strength is a necessity in life; it is a pillar of spirit; it is a belief that crosses the bumps in the road.

One's whole life is spent being strong; pursuing is strong, self-love is strong, the effort is strong, integrity is strong, kindness is strong, compassion is strong, and not giving up on ourselves is true strength.

Even if there are a thousand reasons for us to give up and sulk, we must be strong a thousand and one times.

Strength is the state in which we live.

The unknown plant in the bonsai touched me with strength. I will leave her behind without any regret. She made me understand completely: in fact, life is a kind of strength.


About the Creator

Christy R Davis

If you want your dreams to come true, you must first wake up from your dreams.

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