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How 2:1 Breathing Technique for Anxiety Can Help You

Learn simple ways to reduce stress

By Zen MichaelPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Natalie from Pexels

When we feel stress, the first thing that changes in our body is our breathing.

Our mind sends a message saying we are (because we think we are…) in danger. Our body receives that message and responds in several ways, one is accelerating our breath, which causes even more stress.

This is a natural reaction, a defensive reaction from our body, but has an undesirable effect.

Understanding this allows us also to use that same mechanism - applying changes in the way we are breathing - in our favor.

If we can reduce that acceleration, if we can get back to a normal breathing rhythm, we will reduce the stress response and contribute to achieve a relaxation state. We can do this by practicing breathing exercises.

One simple way to calm down in stressful situations is using the 2:1 breathing technique.

This simple technique, that you can use anytime, can calm your body and mind.

Being aware of your breath is a simple way to control your anxiety, a practical way to be alert about what is happening in your mind by noticing the changes in your body.

"Without full awareness of breathing, there can be no development of meditative stability and understanding". – Thich Nhat Hanh

Using the 2:1 breathing technique

This exercise is very simple, here's how it works.


  • You will inhale through the nose.
  • Each inhalation will take a specific time - for example, you can count up to 4. You can use whatever time frame you feel is comfortable for you. If you don't know what duration to choose, just do a few normal breaths and count the time you usually take to inhale, then use that as a reference.
  • So, you will inhale and mentally (or using your fingers) count 1, 2, 3, 4.


  • You will exhale through the nose.
  • Each inhalation will take twice the time you use to inhale.
  • So, you will exhale and mentally (or using your fingers) count 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.

Do this exercise 3 times to calm down- 3 sets of inhaling and exhaling exercises. Three times is just a suggestion, if you need more, do what feels right for you.

See how it makes you feel, it's a simple technique that can be very effective to calm down.

You can use this recourse, this 2:1 breathing technique, whenever you start feeling stressed and notice your breathing is getting accelerated.

Just pay attention to the warning signs your body gives you, and you will know when it's time to use it.

Be safe: this technique should be simple for everyone to try, but if you feel any discomfort, please stop immediately. And you have any respiratory problems, please ask for medical advice about trying it or using it frequently.

Why this technique works?

For two main reasons:

  • It will activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for making you feel more relaxed.
  • Doing the exercise, you will also remove your attention from the elements that are making you feel stressed.

The stressors will no longer be the most important thing at that moment. And when, after the exercise, you go back to analyze the situation, you will be more balanced and in better conditions to deal with it.

"Breathing well means breathing more slowly and deeply. Relax, feel your breathing, and breathe comfortably. Once aware, it naturally becomes deeper and slower". – Ilchi Lee

The strength of calm will open new possibilities for you.

You can also practice this technique even when you are not feeling any stress at all. Why? Because if you practice when you are feeling well, you will become better using it. And later on, your response will be easier, more natural, and stronger when you really need to calm down in a stressful situation.

Remember that breath is a powerful tool you can always use to reduce stress:

"When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still; all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit". – Goraksasathakam


About the Creator

Zen Michael

Happiness in on the Way, not at the end of the road. Calm, joy, meditation and creativity shape the Way. Don’t search for happiness and it may find you.

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