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Happy Meats

Are Carnivore Diets the Next Big Thing In Mental Health Care?

By Nicole IgarashiPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Happy Meats
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Carnivore diets, also known as all-meat or zero-carb diets, consist of consuming only animal products such as meat, fish, and eggs. These diets have gained popularity in recent years due to their potential health benefits. Carnivore diets have also faced criticism and controversy, with concerns about their long-term sustainability and potential negative impacts on health.

Meet Georgia Ede

Dr. Georgia Ede is a psychiatrist and nutritionist with a background in medicine and nutrition. She received her medical degree from the University of Virginia School of Medicine and completed her psychiatric residency at Yale University. Besides her medical training, Dr. Ede has also completed coursework in nutrition and has a deep understanding of the role of diet in health and disease.

Dr. Georgia Ede has played a significant role in researching and advocating for carnivore diets. With a background in both medicine and nutrition, Dr. Ede brings a unique perspective to the field. She has contributed valuable insights through her research and writing.

She has written about her personal experience with bipolar disorder and how diet has affected her mental health. In an article published on her website, Dr. Ede discusses her struggles. She tells how she suffers from bipolar disorder and how she has used dietary interventions to manage her symptoms.

According to Dr. Ede, she has found that a low-carbohydrate diet has been helpful in managing her bipolar disorder. She found that certain foods, such as refined carbs and sugar, can exacerbate her symptoms. She says a nutrient-dense diet has been beneficial in maintaining her mental health.

In addition to her personal experience, Dr. Ede has also written about the research on the relationship between diet and mental health. She has discussed the potential mechanisms by which diet may affect mental health. She has highlighted the need for more research into the effects on gut bacteria and inflammation

Dr. Ede's provides invaluable insights into the potential role of diet in mental health. She has written extensively on the topic of carnivore diets and has conducted research of her own. She has also presented on carnivore diets at conferences and in interviews. In addition to her work on carnivore diets, Dr. Ede has also written and presented on other topics related to nutrition and mental health. Dr. Ede is a highly respected and credible authority on carnivore diets and nutrition.

The Emerging Field of Nutritional Psychiatry

Nutritional psychiatry is a subfield of psychiatry that focuses on the role of nutrition in mental health and the treatment of mental health disorders. This field recognizes the complex relationship between diet and mental health, and the potential impact of nutrition on brain function and behavior.

The field of nutritional psychiatry is interdisciplinary and draws from fields such as nutrition, psychiatry, psychology, and neuroscience. Research in this field has examined the effects of specific nutrients and dietary patterns on mental health and the mechanisms by which nutrition may affect brain function.

Some of the key areas of research include the effects of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D on mental health, the role of the gut microbiome in mental health, and the impact of dietary patterns such as the Mediterranean diet on mental health.

Dr Ede has written about the mechanisms by which nutrition may affect mental health and has called for a more open-minded approach to dietary recommendations in psychiatry.

Are Carnivore Diets “Trendy?”

Carnivore diets have gained significant attention and popularity in recent years. . The origins of carnivore diets can be traced back to the 1920s, when the idea of an all-meat diet was proposed by Dr. Arnold Ehret, a German nutritionist. However, carnivore diets gained widespread attention in recent years through the work of Dr. Shawn Baker, an orthopedic surgeon who has been a prominent advocate for these diets.

The popularity of carnivore diets has grown on social media and online communities, where people share their experiences and results with variations on the diet. Carnivore diets have been promoted as a way to improve health, lose weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. However, carnivore diets have also faced criticism and controversy, with concerns about their long-term sustainability and potential negative impacts on health

Are Carnivore Diets Safe?

Dr. Georgia Ede has conducted research on carnivore diets and published hundreds of articles on the topic. Her research has focused on the potential health benefits and risks associated with these diets. She also studies the mechanisms by which carnivore diets may affect health, such as through the effects on gut bacteria and the production of short-chain fatty acids.

A recent study found the carnivore diet had no adverse effects. On the contrary, the study found that all participants experienced significant improvements in various markers of health, including weight loss, improved blood pressure, and reduced inflammation.

Ede's insights on carnivore diets have contributed valuably to the field of nutritional psychiatry. She has helped to advance our understanding of the potential health effects of these diets.

Criticisms of The Carnivore Diet

Dr. Georgia Ede has addressed critics of carnivore diets in her research and writing. Some of the common criticisms of carnivore diets include concerns about long-term sustainability and potential negative impacts on health.

Some claim carnivore diet may not be nutritionally complete and could lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients. Dr. Ede has addressed this concern in her research, stating that while it is possible to develop nutrient deficiencies on any diet, including carnivore diets, these deficiencies can be easily prevented through careful planning and the inclusion of nutrient-rich animal products.

Another criticism of carnivore diets is that they may have negative impacts on the environment due to the higher resource demands of animal agriculture. Dr. Ede has acknowledged this concern and has suggested that individuals following carnivore diets can choose to support environmentally responsible and humanely raised animal products to mitigate these impacts.

Dr. Ede has responded to criticisms of carnivore diets by providing evidence-based insights and practical recommendations to address these concerns.

What Benefits Can Carnivore Offer?

Here are some of the ways these diets may affect health.

1. Weight loss: Carnivore diets may lead to weight loss due to the high protein and fat content of animal products, which can help to reduce appetite and increase satiety.

2. Improved blood sugar control: Carnivore diets may improve blood sugar control by reducing the intake of carbohydrates, which can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels.

3. Reduced inflammation: Some research suggests that carnivore diets may reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

4. Improved cardiovascular health: Carnivore diets may improve cardiovascular health by reducing the intake of saturated fat and increasing the intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

Dr. Ede's research helps to shed light on the potential health effects of carnivore diets and can inform decision-making about the safety of these diets. However, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the long-term impacts of carnivore diets and to make evidence-based recommendations about their use.

Is MyPlate Evidence-Based?

The MyPlate guidelines, developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), recommend that carbohydrates should make up about 45-65% of an individual's daily caloric intake. This recommendation is based on the idea that carbohydrates are an important source of energy and provide important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

However, Ede and other critics argue that the MyPlate guidelines recommend too many carbohydrates and that a lower carbohydrate intake may be more appropriate for certain individuals.

Low-carb diets, which typically involve reducing carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day, have been promoted for their potential health benefits

Current research suggests carbohydrate needs may vary depending on an individual's health goals and needs. Some people may benefit from a lower carbohydrate intake, while others may thrive on a higher carbohydrate intake. It is also important to consider the quality of carbohydrates consumed, rather than just the quantity. Whole, unprocessed carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are generally considered to be more nutritious than refined carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta.

Challenging Nutritional Norms

In her writing, Dr. Ede has argued that current nutritional guidelines are not supported by the evidence and may be harmful to health. She has also pointed out that these guidelines are based on outdated and flawed assumptions about the role of diet in health and disease.

Dr. Ede has suggested that alternative dietary approaches, such as low-carb and carnivore diets, may be more effective in promoting health and preventing chronic diseases. She has also called for more research on these diets and for a more open-minded approach to dietary recommendations.

Overall, Dr. Ede's efforts to change nutritional recommendations are part of a larger effort to challenge traditional thinking about diet and health and to promote a more evidence-based approach to nutritional guidelines.

Seven Years on Ketovore

Overall, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet, particularly a restrictive diet like the carnivore diet. They can help you understand the potential risks and benefits, and provide guidance on how to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs to function properly.

I have personally spent the last seven years on a low-carb, high-fat “ketovore diet.” That means I eat most of my calories from fat. And eat very few plants. I have experienced improved mental health and fewer sensory issues. I've sent my IBS into remission, and have more energy than ever before. It has been surprisingly easy to stick to. Once the initial detox from sugar was over, I experienced very little in the way of side effects.

What about you? Would you consider an all-meat diet for mental health?


About the Creator

Nicole Igarashi

Chef-turned-writer, currently living in Philadelphia with two children and a spoiled dog who thinks she is a person. You may remember me from Ron Howard and Jay-Z's "Made In America" documentary on Showtime.

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