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Feeling and psyche of being unloved

new day new hope

By Hajrah MaDPublished about a year ago 5 min read

I am not loved I, a lonely soul in a crowded world, walk the streets with a heavy heart. The weight of loneliness crushes me, crushes my spirit under its unrelenting weight. I watch the couples walk hand in hand, their laughter echoing through the air like a cruel mockery of my existence. I see a tender caress, a warm hug and tender words exchanged between lovers. His eyes speak clearly, the language of love and devotion that I really want to understand. But for me, love remains an elusive mirage, always out of reach. In the stillness of the night I feel alone, surrounded by a stillness that increases my desire. Shadows dance on the walls, whispering cruel reminders of my inadequacy.

I wonder what makes me different because when it comes to heart, I'm bound to be an outsider. I have looked deep into the eyes of others in search of love, hoping to find comfort in their acceptance. Still, I find indifference or fleeting moments of society that disappear like distant memories. The pain inside me grows, the emptiness grows until my whole being envelops me. I am not loved, I whisper to the universe, my voice carrying a breath of wind. It resonates in the empty spaces of my soul, it resonates in the walls of my isolation. The world turns without me noticing the storm raging inside me. But amidst the darkness there is a glimmer of understanding.

I realize that lack of love does not define my worth. I am more than the love I receive; I am the love I give They are a symphony of compassion, kindness and empathy waiting to be shared with those who seek comfort. Though the road ahead may be rocky and painful, I will not let despair consume me. I will not open my heart to the vagaries of fate, but to the possibilities that lurk in every encounter. I will love passionately, even if it means loving myself first. Because I am not loved, but I am not without love. The flame within me flickers and fights the dark because I know there is love in the world. It may take time, patience and perseverance, but one day love will find its way to me.

And until that day I will hold on to hope, for deep in my unloved heart lies the unshakable faith that love will come in its time and I will be embraced in its warm, comforting embrace.

Title Opalescent murk Chapter 1 Innocence Burned

I noway allowed I would live to experience such a profound feeling of emptiness like a tentless void that consumed my soul. As a child, my world was a shade of love and warmth, filled with the gentle touch of my parents' affection and the horselaugh that echoed through our home. I was a radiant sunflower, reposing in the nurturing shafts of their love. But life has a way of extinguishing indeed the brightest of dears.

Chapter 2 The Aching Absence

As I grew aged, life started to shift, casting an unpleasant shadow upon my actuality. My parents' formerly unbreakable bond began to deteriorate, and the tender affection that formerly adorned our home came scarce. The absence of their love created an pang in my heart, leaving me craving for their warmth. I sustained for the days when their grins were genuine and their grasp was unwavering.

Chapter 3 The Perceptive Paradox

I came acutely apprehensive of the changes around me. The hushed whispers and tense silences filled the air like an impending storm. Though their arguments were substantially hidden behind unrestricted doors, the smarting words and heavy sighs managed to find their way to my cognizance. Each word cut deeper, etching a bitter scar on my soul. The incongruity of my perception strengthened as I plodded to understand why love could transfigure into commodity so unrecognizable.

Chapter 4 The Fractured Mirror

My parents' love, once a reflection of concinnity, splintered into fractured shards of resentment and incuriosity. Their pain was projected onto me, like a shattered glass reflecting malformed images of my tone worth. I questioned if I was to condemn for their disgruntlement. I wondered if I had failed to love them enough, or if I had ever lost the capability to be loved.

Chapter 5 The whirlpool of Loneliness

In the swirling whirlpool of loneliness, I set up solace in the grasp of my studies. The weight of unrequited love formed unnoticeable chains, binding me to my insulation. The horselaugh of others came a mocking symphony, reminding me of the happiness I could no longer touch. I came a solitary gypsy, worming through a world that sounded designed for dyads, ever hankering for a connection that escaped me.

Chapter 6 The Cracked Facade

The facade I wore in public concealed the fractures within my soul. I wore a smile, a delicate mask that wisecracked others into believing I was whole. Yet, beneath that fragile veneer, I was a tempest of feelings swirling dubieties, searing pain, and a craving for love that burned like a grim fire. I stressed revealing my vulnerability, hysterical that I would be met with incuriosity or rejection.

Chapter 7 The Luminous Foreigner

In the depths of my desolation, a luminous foreigner surfaced, casting a light upon the darkness that consumed me. They saw beyond the cracks in my façade, feting the pain that I had long suppressed. With gentle words and genuine empathy, they unraveled the knots of my anguish, offering solace to a sick heart. In their presence, I felt a hint of stopgap, a fragile thread connecting me to the possibility of love.

Chapter 8 The Journey Within

With the foreigner's guidance, I embarked on a trip of tone discovery. Together, we excavated into the depths of my history, exhuming buried recollections and unvoiced feelings. I brazened the pain that had taken root within me, embracing the injuries as a testament to my adaptability. Through gashes and soul-searching, I began to understand that love, in all its complications, wasn't a measure of my worth.

Chapter 9 The Reconstruction of Love

As I reconstructed my understanding of love, I realized that it wasn't a finite resource, but an horizonless wellspring that could be set up within. I started to nurture the neglected corners of my own heart, learning to love and watch for myself. The consummation actualized upon me that the love I craved from others would only hold weight if I first learned to love myself unconditionally.

Chapter 10 The Unfolding Shade

With newfound tone- love, my perception of the world began to shift. The formerly- pervasive murk lost their grip, and I discovered the beauty in every transitory moment. The horselaugh of others no longer stirred passions of craving but came an assignation to celebrate life's simple manna's. I learned to lounge in the warmth of gemutlichkeit, knowing that love could be set up in unanticipated places.

Epilogue A Radiant Soul The feeling of being unloved, once a painful burden, came a catalyst for my particular growth. I surfaced from the depths of darkness with a heart that glowed iridescently. Though scars of the history remained, they served as a testament to my adaptability. In the realm of vulnerability, I set up strength, and in the absence of love, I discovered my own capacity to love fiercely. And so, I walked forward, carrying the assignments of my trip. No longer defined by the pain that formerly consumed me, I embraced life with open arms, knowing that love, in its numerous forms, would ever be a part of my story.


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Hajrah MaD

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    Hajrah MaDWritten by Hajrah MaD

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