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Beyond Your Subconscious

Our Minds Are Composed Of Three Parts

By Hermosa DigiprintsPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Image Courtesy of Pexels

Did you know that our minds are composed of three parts?

The Superconscious, The Subconscious, and The Conscious; in that order. All of each plays a distinct role in shaping the lives we lead. I'll go into greater detail on each one in the sections below.

The Conscious Mind

Your five senses work together to create a mind that allows you to consciously experience the physical world. The conscious mind is what we use when awake and going about our everyday business. It just represents a small piece of our awareness and consciousness.

The Subconscious Mind.

Below the level of conscious consciousness is this. It is found in the spine and lower brain. It keeps track of everything we do, including our daily activities, thoughts about those activities, and likes and dislikes related to the things we come across. The subconscious mind doesn't forget anything, yet it usually goes unnoticed by our everyday awareness because it is a concealed component of our consciousness.

However, when we are conscious, the subconscious has a significant impact on our thoughts and behaviors. In order to break old habits, access outdated or harmful beliefs, and securely reprogramme them with modern functionality that is relevant and beneficial for our current requirements, hypnosis and relaxation techniques enable us to access this subconscious area of our minds.

What is the Superconscious Mind?

According to quantum physics, nothing in the universe is solid. If so, then there must be space between everything, regardless of how little each and every atom, molecule, or particle is. And if that is the case, life is less a collection of tangible objects and more a flow of energy.

The superconscious mind is a state of awareness that can access the energy and consciousness that underlie material existence and sees beyond it. One term for this flow of electromagnetic waves that permeates all matter and space is "ether," which some people believe to be the essence of the universe. "The space between our thoughts" is how I describe it.

True creativity is discovered in the superconscious. These creative expressions can be distinguished from those that arise from the subconscious. Ideas for truly great works of art, music, writing, poetry, big scientific breakthroughs, and profound spiritual experiences can all be found in the superconscious. In this stage, illnesses can also experience profound healing.

How do we access our superconscious?

This is a level below conscious awareness. The spine and lower brain contain it. It records everything we do, including our daily activities, reflections on those actions, and preferences for the items we encounter. The subconscious mind doesn't forget anything, but because it is a hidden aspect of our consciousness, it frequently goes unnoticed by our everyday awareness.

The subconscious, however, significantly influences our thoughts and behaviors even while we are conscious. Hypnosis and relaxation techniques provide us access to this subconscious part of our minds, enabling us to break bad habits, access out-of-date or harmful beliefs, and securely reprogramme them with contemporary functionality that is relevant and helpful for our current requirements.

Affirmations & Mantras and How To Use Them To Your Benefits:

All affirmations, in order to reach superconsciousness, must be free from uncertainties and doubts. Attention and faith are lights that lead even imperfectly understood affirmations to the subconscious and superconscious minds. - Paramahansa Yogananda

What do mantras mean?

The Sanskrit definition of mantra is "the idea that liberates and protects." The roots of the words "man" and "tra" both signify to think and to guard or free.

Mantras are sacred sounds that were produced by yogis and sages in ancient India. These yogis and sages were able to merge with the natural world and their surroundings. They picked up on the vibrations and sounds of the objects around them and used these noises as mantras. The vibration of the mantra can surround you when you chant it out loud. When you chant it in silence, the mantra vibrates inside of you. By merely listening to the mantra, you can also benefit from its vibrations.

How do affirmations work?

Positive sentences that you repeat aloud in a language you understand are called affirmations. Affirmations can be used to express an intention for something you long for or something you want to accomplish. You can make encouraging statements about any aspect of your life.

Your negative thought and speech patterns are intended to be replaced with good ones by using affirmations. You could swap out "I can't," "I won't," "I don't," and "I am not" with "I can," "I will," "I do," and "I am."

With some practice and daily implementation, you'll soon be well on your way to teaching your subconscious mind to be open to positivity and attract only wonderful things into your life. It should be mentioned that your external behavior reflects how you feel inside.

>>Click here to maximize your manifestation potential! (Digital Workbook/Planner)<<

Disclaimer: This piece is INTENDED ONLY FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. I am not a doctor, and I am not authorized to provide either Legal or Medical Advice. You are under no obligation to try or partake in anything suggested in this post; Do so at your own discretion. I'm grateful for your support.

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About the Creator

Hermosa Digiprints

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