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A Time of Mixed Emotions

The Holidays

By Ray "The-Visualist" CooperPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
A Time of Mixed Emotions
Photo by Hert Niks on Unsplash

The Happiest Time of the Year

A time to rejoice

Oh, joy!

It's that time of year once again! Oh, what a time the sweet smell of freshly baked cookies coming out of the oven. The sounds of holiday movies coming from the living room, the chatter of extended family members that haven't been seen in years all in one room together. Utensils clinking and clanging while everybody digs into the holiday dinner.

This is the time of year that everyone is together, it seems as if the world is oh so close together during these times. It's as if just for a few months out of the year that regardless of individual feelings and outlooks on society, political ect, everyone seems to treat each other as family. This is amazing and hopes are high for humanity to be in unison with each other. Helping, caring, understanding, the gratefulness of each and every person far and wide is as if we have all known each other for years! We are all just one big happy family!

But why?

What is it thats in the air? About this time that brings everybody together? Why not have this sense of "love" for another throughout the whole year! It is shown that as individuals we are capable of extending such care to others, so why not have this be a everyday, year round trait that we all hold dear to ourselves? Wouldn't these type of acts make for a better economy, a better life, a better world? I for one surely think so. What are your thoughts?

By Ben Sweet on Unsplash

Reality of The Holidays for most

Claimed as the "Happiest Time of The Year" due to the atmosphere, the colors, the "meaning" of Thanksgiving & Christmas. I see why it is resembled as the happiest time of the year. But realistically, is it truly all the happy for most? Think about it for a few moments.

Being Aware

Yes indeed the holidays are great times, but there is another side of the holidays that needs to be touched on and talked about. There is more than not, people in this world that these "times of happiness" are everything but. For a good majority of individuals the holidays are a sad time. People fall into a great depressive state. For good reason as well, take a minute and see where I'm coming from.


For many people this time of year is extremely sadening. It's a time of rememberance.They don't celebrate they are morning over the lost of family, and friends. It becomes a few months full of depression, they are grieving over the one's who aren't with them anymore. Too hard it is for some to find the joy in these times without the one's they have grown closest to. I myself have been struck by these overwelming feelings of sadness and "want".


Not everybody is safe and sound under a roof to stay warm. While many people are keeping warm, laughing and joking with their family, there are numerous amounts of people who are lost and hopeless. Fearful of what the next day may bring doing all they can to stay warm. Enjoying the little food that is provided to them at the local shelter surrounded by people they don't know or care about. Keep an open I to the reality of many people's situation. During these time the homeless need the most help! With the weather dropping to below freezing, nothing to eat, it is easy to lose hope. I've been there and I prayed everyday just for a pair of gloves, or a warm jacket just to make it through the harsh weather. We need to keep aware of the amount of homeless their are in our community and do what ever we can to give to our community. The one's who REALLY need it. Lend a helping hand, make a plate and go out and hand it out to people, a small act like this could bring such amount of hope and happiness, potentially preventing suicide from accuring. Keep this in mind the next time you are about to throw away that jacket because you got a new one or throwing away any left over food, take some time and go out and give back!

Coming Together

By Tom Parsons on Unsplash

So in conclusion, where ever you maybe, just stop and think of what it may be life for other's who arent so fortunate as you. Be grateful for what you have during these times, charish it, for there is someone out there wishing they had what you had! Bring that hope, joy, and happiness outside bring it with you and pass it off to just one, one individual and that small act can make such tremedious impacts on someone's situation. I have the mission of bringing the awareness of the suicide rate during the holidays and that every one of us has something special we can offer to this world. Make the less fortunate a part of your family for the day, involved them in any way you can. For I have been on the not so fortunate side of situations, homeless, helpless, starving and freezing. Just wishing that one person would come along and commit an act of kindness, restoring my hope and faith in this world we live in. That is exactly what happened to me and it has become a domino effect. So I encourage you during these times, (all the time, but most importantly during these times) commit one small act of kindnes and spread awareness to just one person and you will be contributing to such a bigger cause!

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Bringing Inspirate to the world through my view and words!


About the Creator

Ray "The-Visualist" Cooper

Ray "The-Visualist" Cooper

The simplicity of being able to provide a sense of hope, through my words is what makes what I do so meaningful and worth it!!

My writings are more than just words on a page.

Their from the heart!


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