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10 Things You Didn't Know About Psychology

Psychology is an incredibly fascinating field which has changed the way we view human behavior and mental conditions over the past few hundred years.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

If you've ever wanted to know more about your psyche, this is the blog post for you. Psychology is a fascinating subject, and it's also one with many aspects that many people don't know about. Some psychology topics are covered in depth on popular TV shows but there are many more than what the media portray. This post will introduce you to 10 things that are not normally covered on TV. We hope these new insights will give you a fresh perspective on psychology and change your view of humankind for the better.

1. Women are not as emotional as men

The media tends to portray women as more emotional than men. While it's true that women do have a wider range of emotions than men, this doesn't mean they are more emotional in general. The social contexts that often lead to heightened emotion for women are topics like relationships, health and education.

It is important to keep in mind that context is important when defining how we feel about things. Just because women tend to be more emotional in certain situations does not mean that they are inherently more emotional as a whole.

2. Body language is NOT all about sex

There are many psychological studies on body language, but one of the biggest ones was done by a body language specialist named Allan and Barbara Pease. They found that women's body language was more open, honest and direct than men's. They also found that women were more likely to touch in a seductive manner.

Body language research has shown that women are more expressive than men, which means they are able to express their feelings with fewer words. This could be because both genders use nonverbal cues to express their feelings, but women tend to use them more often.

3. Some people are born with a propensity for crime

There are many people who are pickier about what they eat or how they dress as an adult. There is also a long standing idea in psychology called the nature vs nurture debate though it is actually not used nearly enough. Nature refers to how you were born. Did your mom and dad give you their genes? Or did they put their genetic code in a test tube? Nurture refers to the things in life that shape who you are, including the people around you, what you experience and how well your brain is working.

People with a strong nature are more likely to commit crime, and this is why we often hear about criminals being born and not made. However, there is no guarantee that someone with a low propensity for crime won't commit one or two science can't explain everything.

4. The brain grows new cells even when you are an adult

Psychology teaches us an interesting fact we teach our brains to get along with friends, study hard and form new habits as we grow up. This is known as learning. While the process of learning is rather well understood, the growth of neurons in the brain that is associated with it is less so. The growth of new neurons in adulthood was long suspected, but not confirmed until Elizabeth Gould found it in 1999. This shows that the human brain has much more potential than originally thought and will continue to grow with time.

5. Parasites can make you feel bad about yourself

It's no secret that there are many things in our bodies that we don't want there. This can range from bacteria to parasites. One such parasite is a protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii, which lives in the intestines of animals like cats. It likes to switch hosts, and people are affected by toxoplasmosis when they accidentally eat infected meat or have a cat lick their face.

The effects of this infection include increased suicide risk, and some have even claimed it makes them feel depressed and negative about themselves. While the science behind this isn't fully understood yet, it is important to perform regular health checks to make sure you do not have this parasite.

6. The placebo effect is more than a pill

You've probably heard about the placebo effect, since it makes the news every once in a while. This effect is when you take a fake pill which contains no actual medicine, but you get better anyway. That's because your brain believes that the pill is working for you, and thus releases chemicals into your body to make you feel better.

The same principle can be applied to ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Parkinson's disease, migraines and other psychological disorders! While some people might be taking this too far by self-diagnosing, it could help with certain conditions because it increases your body's ability to heal itself.

7. You can create false memories

The term false memories is often used by the media and in court cases to show that people can recall things that never happened. However, it's not really fair to call this a lie. It is more accurate to say that people are remembering things incorrectly. Research shows that false memories are created when we mix our memory with information from other sources, including what we see on TV or read on the internet.

While this isn't very common in most people, it does happen sometimes and affects both genders equally. It can happen when you misremember something important or confuse facts heard from different sources of information.

8. Dating is a social construct

There are many psychological theories about dating and relationships, but one of the most recent is called the social exchange theory. This theory suggests that people put a lot of value on what they get from their relationship, as well as what they have to give.

The other source of value in dating is love and intimate feelings for the partner or significant other. While there are many different types of relationships platonic, romantic, etc., there are also some universal rules for how we date and interact with each other.

9. Thoughts are measurable

There are many methods of measuring brain activity. The most common is called electroencephalography EEG, which uses small sensors to measure the electrical activity in the brain. This technique has been used for over 100 years and it has been very productive in helping psychologists understand how we think and solve problems.

Some researchers have even tried to use EEGs to see if people can control their dreams, but so far this method is not very reliable. However, EEGs are still pretty valuable tools in psychology research and could be applied to other areas soon.

10. Death is not the end

Death might seem like a very simple matter, but it's actually a lot more complicated for us. It often causes us to question everything we know about the world, and many people have ended up with all sorts of misconceptions after death! People have been wrong about everything from where bodies go wrong place to what happens next wrong time. So, while death seems like a mystery that we might never understand, we can hopefully turn to science and find some answers.

In Conclusion

The above 10 psychological facts are just the tip of the iceberg. There are some really interesting things that we have discovered about ourselves, but there is still so much more to discover. Psychology is a very broad and fascinating subject that has a wide variety of applications.

These include solving murders, understanding why people behave in certain ways, and even inventing new products for video games and smartphones. If you're interested in pursuing psychology as a career path, make sure you know all about it today because it's important to love what you do.


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