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10 Signs That Point Towards Depression

Do you have any of them?

By Fatima HartmanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
10 Signs That Point Towards Depression
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Depression now seems to be an increasingly common disease, especially in developed countries. Whether before people didn't know what depression meant and doctors didn't consider it a disease or our great-grandparents didn't have time to get depressed because their weighty lives kept their minds busy with something else. never in history has depression been so great. Now, when life gives us more comfort than we ever thought possible, problems other than tomorrow's worries seem to overwhelm us.

The installation of depression is done gradually and its damage can be mitigated if we discover it in time. To minimize the physical and emotional impact, you need to recognize the signs of depression from the onset. This way, you can turn to therapy early and avoid a situation that could get out of hand.

1. Fatigue can be the first symptom of depression. We all feel tired from time to time, but if it persists and is accompanied by a bad mood or decreased motivation and energy, then lack of energy may be related to the first stage of depression.

2. Sleep patterns can vary from person to person, but if you have not slept well before, and now sleep difficulties are even greater, this may be a sign of a depressive episode. You don't have to worry if you don't sleep well for a few nights, especially if you are going through a very stressful time. But in the absence of such a reason, a trigger, any changes to your normal sleep schedule should sound the alarm.

3. If you need too much sleep, then this can also be a sign of depression. The rule of 8 hours of sleep per night remains valid. When we sleep less than 8 hours, the body suffers, but the same happens when we sleep more. Prolonged sleep for well over 8 hours is not healthy, and if this is accompanied by a bad mood or sadness, then this may mean that you are going through a depressive episode.

4. Changes in appetite and weight may also be associated with depression. We all feel a loss or increase in appetite from time to time. But if these problems are combined with other conditions such as loss of interest and pleasure in your favorite activities for more than 2 weeks, you may go through a depressive episode. A weight gain of more than 5% of your total body mass in a month can also be an indicator of depression.

5. It may seem surprising that the pain is a sign of depression, but severe abdominal or headaches that seem to go away may be signs of a depressive episode.

6. Another unusual sign of depression is the perception of the surrounding world in less vivid colors. Most people who have been treated for depression say that the quality of music and color has changed since then. After coming out of depression, most people say they started loving music and colors again.

7. If you feel exhausted at work, you may experience a depressive episode. Many people who are stressed and exhausted feel depressed. Exhaustion is a more socially acceptable term than depression. Consider whether the state of exhaustion is related to a deadline or a stressful goal at work or if it persists for some time apparently for no reason. If you are feeling exhausted, then this may be a sign of depression.

8. Memory problems that occur regularly should be questionable. We all struggle harder from time to time, especially when we have a family or work problem. But when memory and concentration problems become acute, depression may be the cause.

9. Withdrawal from society or avoiding activities that involve interaction with other people are indications that you are going through a period of depression. When people feel depressed, they tend to withdraw from normal activities and social interactions. If during these periods the person shows suicidal tendencies, then the chances of being stopped are lower, as there are no people around who are aware of his condition. Therefore, it is good that when we are depressed, we do not isolate ourselves.

10. Unexplained sadness is a very clear sign of depression. 3 indicators determine if this sadness can be related to depression: intensity, duration, and cause or, better said, the absence of the cause. Although at first, we can identify a reason for the sadness, along the way we no longer find causes of its persistence.

Keep an eye out for any of these combined signs and take action before the depression sets in.


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