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Hemp and Its Environmental Impact

Ways That Hemp Is Beneficial to the Environment

By Nolan JamesPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Hemp is the seed and fiber portion of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. These fibers and seeds hold a high value (pun intended). Hemp is very healthy for consuming and the cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes has been done for over 12,000 years. Hemp has many, many uses such as manufacturing rope, clothing, canvas, paper and many other items. Hemp is also a very nutritious snack alternative.

Hemp is a natural appetite suppressant that can help you to feel full for extended periods of time and reduce unhealthy sugar cravings. Experts recommend adding about four tablespoons of seeds to your first meal of the day to help curb excessive hunger for the rest of the day. It is also high in fiber which in turn assists with weight loss. We all like to try many different weight loss supplements and starve ourselves trying to lose the fat. Why not try out hemp seeds with your morning meal for a few weeks?

Consuming hemp seeds is also extremely beneficial to heart health by being high in fiber, a source of plant-based protein, having healthy fats and less sugar. Research strongly shows that hemp seeds can improve cardiovascular health and help to reduce high blood pressure. They contain high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which is used to produce nitric oxide in the body, which expands the blood vessels in turn increasing blood flow and decreasing plaque growth and blood clotting.

About 25 percent of calories in hemp seeds come from protein. Hemp seeds provide amounts of protein similar to beef. Two to three tablespoons of hemp seeds provide roughly 11 grams of protein. They are considered to be a complete protein source because they contain all of the essential amino acids. Hemp is also easily digested, more so than protein from many grains and nuts. Whole hemp seeds are an excellent source of fiber. De-hulled hemp seeds, also known as hemp hearts, contain very little fiber, because the fiber-rich shell has been removed.

Not only is hemp beneficial to health in more ways than the previous mentioned, it also has a huge impact on the environment. Hemp offers many different uses in promoting a more sustainable world. It has an ability to leach radioactivity from the soil and prevent erosion and mudslides. Hemp plants are capable of thriving in almost any climate on the planet and unlike most crops hemp helps to prepare the soil for the following year’s harvest.

For the most part hemp can also reduce the need for other mass-produced modern raw materials. Compared to other resources, such as cotton, the hemp industry results in eco-friendly fibers, cosmetics, fuels, and medicines, but it also protects the planet by making the soil more viable for other crops. Cotton manufacturing is responsible for over 20 percent of the earth’s chemical pesticides, where-as hemp can be grown and processed with little to no chemical use. Hemp processing also has very few by products, and the production of clothing with hemp uses one-thousandth as much water as cotton. That is a huge difference.

Hemp plants help to produce oxygen, prevent deforestation and process greenhouse gases while producing materials for cosmetics, fuel, food, building materials, plastics, and so much more. Many of the larger companies producing good such as cotton are considering, or have already switched to, hemp due to warnings of climate change, CO2 emissions, and the worldwide concern of global warming.

Hemp has many benefits and could be the key to helping reduce the risks of global warming and climate change. They make a serious impact on health when consumed properly and have no known serious side effects with consumption. By switching to hemp products you can also help boost the economy and make a huge impact on the environment.


About the Creator

Nolan James

27 year old transgender man.

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