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Window to the World


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

A girl did gaze from the bus's glass,

Her eyes looked out with naught to grasp,

She watched the world go rushing past,

And sighed, for life seemed but a task.

But then beside her, with a smile,

A man did sit and stay a while,

He glanced at her, then looked outside,

And said, "What a day!" with joy and pride.

The girl, she turned, and studied him,

His eyes did twinkle, full of vim,

He spoke of life, and love, and such,

And she, she felt, a smile did touch.

For in that moment, she did see,

A world so bright, so full of glee,

A life, that's waiting, full of grace,

And in her heart, she found a space.

So now she rides, with newfound might,

With eyes so bright, and heart alight,

And thinks of him, with joy so true,

And says, "What a day!" just like he knew.

love poems

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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