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The Tearful Stranger and the Kind Gardener


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

A man was mowing his lawn, so fine and neat,

With strokes so swift, 'twas a glorious feat.

He hummed a tune, as he worked with such care,

His heart so light, without a single scare.

But then a stranger, by chance did appear,

Who looked so troubled, with many a tear.

The man stopped mowing, and bade him come near,

And asked with concern, "Pray, sir, what's your fear?"

The stranger spoke not, but wept all the more,

His sobs so deep, they shook to the core.

The man felt pity, and took him inside,

And made him tea, with sugar and pride.

The stranger drank, and in time, he did say,

"Your kindness, sir, has chased my fears away.

I've had such troubles, that weigh on my mind,

But now, I see hope, and peace I will find."

And with that, he dried his eyes and stood tall,

And thanked the man, for he had heard his call.

The man returned to his mowing once more,

His heart so full, with love he did outpour.

For a simple act, of kindness and grace,

Had made such a difference, in this stranger's place.

And so, they parted, each one with a smile,

And both felt blessed, all the while.

love poems

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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