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Whispers of Dawn

Dawn in the Garden of Dreams

By Saa CrackPublished 9 months ago 1 min read

In the garden of dreams, where reality fades away,

Where sighs of dawn dance sweetly,

The sun awakening in an embrace of warm light,

Paints on the canvas of heaven its purest work.

The tender petals of the flowers stretch out their arms,

Caressed by the dew that the night left behind,

Like tears of stars that at dawn fade away,

While nature intones her ancient compass.

The birds, in chorus, sing celestial melodies,

Their song is an echo of the earth's secrets,

And while the wind whispers forgotten tales,

The world awakens in every corner, in every path.

The river, silent witness of eternal transformation,

Flows with the grace of a poem in motion,

Reflecting the sky and the trees in its waters,

Like a magic mirror, liquid and serene.

The colors dance in a ballet of vivid tones,

Orange and pink intertwine with blue,

While the sun rises triumphant on the horizon,

Painting with fire the celestial canvas, without regard for taboo.

The whispers of dawn speak in soft whispers,

Stories of hope, of love and renewal,

The shadows of the night slowly fade,

Giving way to the light that drives creation.

In this magical garden, time seems to stand still,

Every moment is eternal, every second a jewel,

The flowers open their hearts to the world with courage,

And nature itself sings in a harmonious symphony.

Oh, garden of dreams, refuge of hearts,

Where beauty intertwines with reality,

May your essence linger in the souls of those who dwell in you,

And may your whispers of dawn inspire every truth.

Thus, in this ethereal and sublime dawn,

Where dreams and reality converge in embrace,

We find the promise of a new beginning,

In the garden of dreams, where all is a bond and round.

(Image made by AI).

inspirationalnature poetry

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