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In the Shadows of the Ogres

A Hymn to the Unknown

By Saa CrackPublished 9 months ago 1 min read

In the dark and silent depths,

where daylight barely ventures,

and the wind whispers haunting mysteries,

there lie creatures of legend, ogres of dark figure.

Their footsteps rumble like distant thunder,

their eyes glow with infernal fire,

in the deepest caverns they are the masters,

Of the realm of shadows, where they make their home.

Of rough skin and fierce teeth,

with hands as big as maces of war,

the ogres rise in their atrocious majesty,

Custodians of secrets that the world terrifies.

In the shadows they lurk with insatiable hunger,

devourers of hope and children's dreams,

but who will judge these formidable beings?

Who will know their history, their pain and their fate?

Perhaps they are victims of an implacable world,

banished by their appearance and their being,

their hearts wounded and unbreakable,

in the face of rejection, they have learned to defend themselves and to win.

What is hidden in their eyes, what thoughts do they harbor?

Is there friendship in their vilified heart?

Perhaps behind their fierce appearance lies a worthy soul,

yearning to be loved, though the world has forgotten.

Ogres, titans of night and mist,

have stories that deserve to be told,

for in their nature lies a sharp struggle,

between the beast they appear to be and the longing to be accepted.

Fear not, then, to enter the twilight,

where the ogres find their abode,

for behind their ferocity hides a rumba,

of emotions and longings, a quiet life.

Thus, in the shadows where the ogres roam,

hides the deepest and most mysterious truth,

a song to the unknown, where the soul accumulates,

and the hearts of monsters find their prose.

In the Shadows of the Ogres, a poem that narrates,

the stories of creatures of grief and grandeur,

a call to look beyond the bizarre appearance,

and find the humanity in each being, without alacrity.

(Image made by AI):

surreal poetryfact or fiction

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