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Timeless Spirit

Inspiration from an Ancient Soul

By Sienna BlackwoodPublished 17 days ago 1 min read
Timeless Spirit
Photo by Jet van der Wouden on Unsplash

In a valley where time forgot to flow,

A dinosaur walks, slow and low.

Each step a whisper on ancient stone,

His journey speaks, though he's alone.

His scales are rugged, worn with grace,

Each pattern tells a different place.

He’s seen the world through countless dawns,

Through skies where silent stardust forms.

His eyes reflect a thousand suns,

Once golden fields where rivers run.

He carries burdens, old and deep,

Yet in his heart, dreams gently sweep.

Among the ferns, a melody,

A song of strength and mystery.

His heart, a drumbeat steady, strong,

In quiet moments, soft as song.

He climbs the ridge where shadows dance,

Each breath a whisper, an ancient trance.

The world, though changed, still holds his mark,

A timeless beast, a flickering spark.

In modern times, his spirit soars,

Through concrete jungles, bustling floors.

We feel his presence, calm and grand,

A gentle guide, through life's quicksand.

So when you tread through days of strife,

Remember him, his enduring life.

For in the echoes of his tale,

We find the strength to never fail.

His legacy, a whispered breeze,

Through towering trees and city seas.

In every heart, his story lies,

A testament to how hope never dies.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Sienna Blackwood

Creating narratives to entertain and enchant you

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Comments (2)

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  • Reiley17 days ago

    I loved the imagery and viewpoint from this magnificent beast! Very well done!

  • Rowan Finley 17 days ago

    Beautiful! :)

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