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Journey of Love, Trials of Faith: Finding Allah in My Heart

Journey of Love, Trials of Faith

By Jeela BhaiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

On the first day of university, fate intervened when our paths crossed. There was an instant attraction between us, and a simple voting process resulted in her becoming the General Representative of our class. As we connected through the class WhatsApp group, our conversations flourished, and we developed a strong bond of friendship. However, there were two other individuals involved: the Class Representative (CR) and my first friend at university. I witnessed the CR's attempts to win her over, and the subsequent teasing incidents that followed, before they were revealed to others. Eventually, due to his behavior, the CR was removed from his position. Despite this, my friend still harbored lingering feelings, causing a brief strain in our relationship. Nevertheless, we managed to overcome this obstacle and grew even closer over time.

During the first semester, as we shared our past experiences, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the university to close, physically separating us. Despite the distance, our love remained strong. We spent countless hours on calls, videos, and audio, cherishing our connection. On her birthday, which coincided with Eid, I gifted her a small teddy bear as a symbol of our love. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we played online Ludo and celebrated her birthday virtually. However, during this time, a new person entered our lives, which made me slightly uncomfortable, even though I understood that their friendship was innocent.

As summer vacation and Ramadan arrived, our communication became less frequent. This was mainly due to my night shift job and the restrictions on phone usage during Ramadan. Misunderstandings arose when she mentioned needing a break without revealing the reason. On her birthday, I had planned a romantic dinner to celebrate, but her response left me heartbroken. A simple "thank you" from someone else hurt me deeply, and I pretended to be okay with it. In the following days, she ignored me and spent time with the new friend she had mentioned before. Desperate for answers, I confronted him, but it only instilled fear in me. However, I knew their friendship remained platonic.

Despite the turmoil, I continued to support her through her financial struggles and job search. I provided references that helped her secure interviews, but unfortunately, the work environment turned out to be unpleasant. I confronted her boss, who mistreated her. Unfortunately, her financial issues persisted, leading her to seek loans through fraudulent apps. Both of us fell victim to these apps and faced blackmail. I suggested involving her brother, but she believed he wouldn't be of any assistance. Eventually, her brother discovered our past relationship, which led to his interference and strained our connection. He even helped her secure a job as a marketing manager, stabilizing her financial situation.

Over time, our contact gradually diminished. However, I found solace in my faith by embracing Islam and praying regularly. Accepting the situation, I found peace in my life and expressed gratitude to God for His guidance. As time went on, I encountered new experiences and challenges. I started volunteering at a local charity, where I met individuals who shared my passion for helping others. Together, we organized events and made a positive impact on the community.

One day, while volunteering, I met a kind-hearted and compassionate woman who shared my values and interests. We formed a deep connection and soon became good friends. She supported me in my spiritual journey and encouraged me to continue growing in my faith. With her by my side, I felt a renewed sense of happiness and purpose.

As I moved forward in life, I let go of the hope of rekindling the love I had lost. I understood that sometimes, relationships change and people drift apart. Instead, I focused on cultivating meaningful connections with those who embraced me for who I am. The pain of my past gradually faded, and I discovered a sense of contentment in my newfound friendships and spiritual fulfillment.

In the end, I realized that my journey of love had indeed come to an end, but a new chapter had begun. I had found Allah in my heart, and I no longer searched for my lost love. I embraced the opportunities that came my way and trusted that life would guide me towards the path that was meant for me. Now I am Living happy life.

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Jeela Bhai

Enter my world of words, where stories breathe and emotions speak. I'm Jeela Bhai, a devoted blogger and storyteller on Vocal Media, inviting you to embark on an imaginative journey with me!

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    Jeela BhaiWritten by Jeela Bhai

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