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Why You Should Never Stop Writing?

Story for motivating people to write

By Sujan PaudelPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Emily who loved to write. She had been writing since she was a little girl, scribbling stories and poems in her notebooks whenever she had a spare moment. As she grew older, her love of writing only grew stronger, and she dreamed of one day becoming a published author.

Emily started out writing short stories and poems, sharing them with her friends and family. They all encouraged her to pursue her passion, telling her that she had a natural talent for writing. So she decided to take their advice and started submitting her work to literary magazines and journals.

At first, Emily faced a lot of rejection. Her stories and poems were often rejected by publishers, and she felt discouraged. But she didn't give up. Instead, she kept writing, determined to improve her craft and keep submitting her work until someone gave her a chance.

Years passed, and Emily continued to write. She wrote every day, even if it was just for a few minutes. She wrote when she was happy, when she was sad, when she was inspired, and even when she felt blocked. She wrote about everything she could think of, from love to loss to the beauty of nature.

Over time, Emily's writing began to improve. She started winning awards and getting published in prestigious literary magazines. People started taking notice of her work, and she began to build a following of loyal readers who admired her talent and creativity.

But then, something unexpected happened. Emily was diagnosed with a chronic illness that left her unable to write for long periods of time. She felt devastated. Writing had always been her escape, her way of expressing herself and making sense of the world. Without it, she felt lost and hopeless.

But despite her illness, Emily refused to give up on writing. She knew that writing was a part of who she was, and she refused to let her illness define her or stop her from pursuing her dreams. So she started writing again, even if it was just a few words or sentences a day. She wrote in short bursts, taking breaks when she needed to rest, but never stopping altogether.

Over time, Emily's writing once again began to improve. She found new ways to express herself, new topics to write about, and new forms to experiment with. She discovered that writing was not just a way to escape her illness, but also a way to cope with it and find meaning in it.

Years passed, and Emily's illness continued to challenge her. But no matter what, she never stopped writing. She wrote through the pain, through the fatigue, through the doubts and fears. She wrote because she loved it, because it was a part of her, and because she knew that it was something she would never give up.

And in the end, Emily's persistence paid off. She published a book of her poetry and short stories, which became a best-seller and won several awards. Her writing touched the hearts of countless readers, and inspired them to pursue their own passions and dreams, no matter what challenges they may face.

Looking back on her life, Emily realized that writing had been her constant companion through all the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows. It had been her lifeline, her sanctuary, and her greatest gift. And she knew that no matter what the future held, she would never stop writing, because it was a part of who she was, and a part of what made her life worth living.

So if you love to write, never stop. Write every day, write when you're happy, write when you're sad, write when you're healthy, and write when you're sick. Write because you love it, because it brings you joy and fulfillment, because it connects you to the world and to yourself. Write because you want to explore yourself more. So, just write and never ever stop writing.

goalssuccessself helphealinghappinessadvice

About the Creator

Sujan Paudel

I love to write. And in a hunt for a platform to express my feelings, I have arrived in Vocal Media. Let's see where this journey takes me from here.

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    Sujan PaudelWritten by Sujan Paudel

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