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Why Did I Stop Being Creative? (you didn’t!)

Everybody is creative.

By Carmen PetraliaPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
“Repetition NO CREATIVITY.” Memegenerator.Es,

Creativity. Or lack thereof. This topic hits deep for many of my fellow artists out there. Creativity is like a drug; when we have it we can’t get enough, without it we get sad. Like really sad. This trait is something everybody possesses, yet why is it such an anomaly?

Being creative actually comes easily to us humans. We do some art, writing or dancing, and we feel the amazing effects instantaneously. We say, “I should do this more often, I feel so alive!,” and then it doesn’t happen for another year, or god knows how long.

Unfortunately and fortunately, creativity comes from within. Yes, it’s cliche to say that, but it’s cliche for a reason. How do we tempt our creative side to crawl out of its deep, dark cave? Well, you have to search within yourself. That little artsy beast needs coaxing and coddling sometimes. It isn’t a gift that only some receive, it’s a tiny baby that needs nurturing to grow.

There are some things you can do to let your creativity thrive, but it depends on what type of person you are. Whether you are logical, whimsical or anything in-between, there is a way to foster this ever-so-daunting characteristic. Warning: journaling is required in this world of mine. Whether that be a voice recording, writing in a notebook, or typing on your phone, it doesn’t matter. As long as you have a way to get the mental gunk out, you’re good.

For the logical, ‘I’m a type-A person!’ kinds of people, having an imaginative hobby or journal is a great start. Some of you may not think it’s possible to make a living from your creative side, and that’s actually great. We need you to do logical jobs, so us ‘whimsicals’ can avoid the routine-oriented lifestyle that you may seek. You have something to offer, but life is about balance. Letting that innovative butterfly die is not fair to the world. Being analytical is wondrous, yet without some creative counter-activity, the monotony will hit you hard. My suggestion: pick up a technical kind of art, and always be journaling.

So, my dear in-betweeners. You have an advantage here, my friends. Since this group wields the greatest population on the planet, there are endless options for you. Being an explorer is the beginning of this lovely journey. Whether that be getting out into nature, joining a club, or picking up a new hobby of some sort, your choices never quit. And you better not quit either. That’s the other edge of this sword, baby. You may want to give up on your dreams, but don’t do it! Find your niche, and once again, journal for Pete’s sake!

Finally, the group I belong in…the whimsical people. We are the ones who cannot function in day-to-day life without doing something creative. Yet, at times, the creative ebbs suck us into a dull, boring abyss. Where are those yummy flows? Advising you to push through and force yourself to be creative is not my answer. Embrace your lack of imagination when it shows up. Take it as a chance to rest and focus on those fun projects you always avoid. Find a new hobby. It can feel like a chore to keep being creative, and when it does, it is time for a reevaluation. You do not need to be an innovative workhorse. Mess around with some silly scheme instead. And, as always, keep on journaling.

Falling prey to your inner creative predator is scary. However, it will keep chasing you until you either submit or die, so you might as well give in sooner rather than later. Relieve some pressure from yourself and be an artsy fool, and continue to journal in any way possible. Good luck!

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About the Creator

Carmen Petralia

A little lady from Chicago itching to rid herself of the overload of ideas stuck in her brain.

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