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What Happens to Your Body When You Do Pushups Every Day

What pushups are and why they are a popular exercise

By Abdul HadheePublished about a year ago 4 min read

Pushups are a widely known bodyweight exercise that involves lowering and raising your body using your arms, chest, shoulders, and core muscles. Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body straight to perform a pushup. Then, while keeping your core engaged, you lower your body by bending your elbows and pushing back up to the starting position.

Pushups are popular because they are versatile exercises that can be performed anywhere without the use of equipment and target multiple muscle groups in the upper body, making them an effective way to build strength and endurance. Pushups can also be modified to accommodate different fitness levels, making them suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes.

Benefits of pushups

Pushups offer a wide range of benefits for the body, including:

Strength building: Pushups primarily work the chest, shoulders, and triceps, but they also work the muscles in the back, core, and legs. Pushups can help you gain muscle strength and endurance in these areas if you do them regularly.

Muscle mass: Pushups can help build muscle mass, particularly in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. This can make the upper body appear more defined and toned.

Improved posture: Pushups strengthen the muscles responsible for good posture, such as the upper back and shoulders. Pushups can help improve posture and lower the risk of back pain if done regularly.

Enhanced cardiovascular health: Pushups can be performed at a high intensity, increasing heart rate and improving cardiovascular health.

Convenience: Pushups are a convenient and efficient exercise for building strength and muscle because they require no equipment and can be done anywhere.

Versatility: Pushups are versatile in that they can be modified to target different muscle groups, accommodate different fitness levels, and add variety to a workout routine.

Overall, pushups are an effective exercise for building upper body strength, improving posture, and enhancing cardiovascular health, making them a popular and versatile exercise choice.

Potential risks of doing pushups every day

While pushups offer many benefits, there are also potential risks to consider when doing them every day, including:

Overuse injuries: Pushups daily can strain the muscles, tendons, and joints, leading to overuse injuries such as knee problems, shoulder pain, and strains.

The strain on the wrists and shoulders: The wrist and shoulder joints are involved in the pushup movement and can become strained or injured with overuse.

Incorrect form: Performing pushups with incorrect form can put excessive strain on the neck, back, and shoulders, leading to injury.

Lack of variety: Doing the same exercise every day can lead to boredom and may not target all the muscles in the upper body, leading to muscle imbalances.

To avoid these risks, it's important to ensure that proper pushup posture and form are maintained during pushups, to gradually increase the number of reps and sets performed, and to incorporate a variety of exercises that target the upper body. It's also important to take rest days to allow the muscles time to recover and avoid overuse injuries. Consulting with a fitness professional or healthcare provider can help to develop a safe and effective workout plan.

What happens to your body when you do pushups every day

When you do pushups every day, several changes can occur in your body, including:

Increased muscle mass and definition: Performing pushups regularly can lead to increased muscle mass and definition in the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.

Improved upper body strength: Pushups are an effective exercise for building upper body strength, and doing them every day can lead to improved strength and endurance in the muscles worked during the exercise.

Enhanced endurance: Regularly performing pushups can improve muscular endurance, allowing you to perform more reps and sets with less fatigue.

Improved posture: The muscles worked during pushups are also involved in maintaining good posture. Consistently performing pushups can improve posture and reduce the risk of back pain.

Increased calorie burn: Pushups can be performed at a high intensity, which can increase heart rate and calorie burn, leading to improved cardiovascular health and potential weight loss.

Increased bone density: Regular resistance training, such as pushups, can stimulate bone growth and improve bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

It's important to note that individual results may vary based on factors such as age, fitness level, and diet. Additionally, doing pushups every day may not be appropriate for everyone and may need to be modified or alternated with other exercises depending on individual needs and goals.

Psychological effects of doing pushups every day

In addition to physical benefits, doing pushups every day can also have psychological effects. Here are some of the potential psychological benefits of performing pushups regularly:

Improved self-esteem: Regular exercise, including pushups, has been shown to boost self-esteem and confidence.

Reduced stress and anxiety: Exercise has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and promoting relaxation.

Improved mood: Exercise, including pushups, has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Increased discipline and motivation: Establishing a daily routine of performing pushups can improve discipline and motivation, leading to greater success in other areas of life.

Improved cognitive function: Exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory and attention.

Improved sleep: Regular exercise, including pushups, has been shown to improve sleep quality, leading to better overall health and well-being.

It's important to note that individual results may vary, and exercise should not be used as a substitute for professional treatment for mental health concerns. However, incorporating pushups into a daily exercise routine can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being.


Pushups are a common and popular exercise for increasing upper body strength and overall fitness. Pushups have been shown to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Regular exercise, such as pushups, can also have psychological benefits such as improved self-esteem, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved mood. However, it is critical to be aware of the risks associated with overuse injuries and to ensure proper form and progression in your exercise routine. By incorporating pushups into a safe and effective workout plan, you can reap the physical and psychological benefits of this versatile exercise.

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About the Creator

Abdul Hadhee

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