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What are the key factors that lead to the Accumulation of Wealth?

Instead than chasing after money, learn how to bring it to you

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

Just take a look at the number of individuals that want financial gain. They find themselves in positions that could pay a lot, which is true.

However, how much does it cost?

There, confined to a little space. Bringing both their health and their relationships to an end.

You should never put your financial future in the hands of the stock market, some illusory cryptocurrency, or forex trading scams in order to get rich.

Money is Best learned Before Its Earned

What is the first indication that a person has a low IQ and will never become wealthy?

He is seeking for an alternative route to go. He is seeking for a way to get rich that does not need him to acquire any specific abilities. Dumb. Just stupid.

Selling your time will not allow you to become filthy rich (and independent) quickly. There is only a total of twenty-four hours in a day. Even if you were paid $500 an hour, as some of the most successful lawyers do, there is a limit to the amount of money you could make due to the passage of time.

When you pass a certain threshold, you can no longer scale time without putting your physical and emotional health at risk. If you want to become affluent and not simply “rich,” you have to figure out how to uncouple the two concepts of time and making money.

If you lack the necessary abilities, running a business will NOT lead to financial success for you.

87% of new firms are not successful after their first year in operation. After their first two years in operation, 80 percent of new businesses fail. It is estimated that just around 10 percent of enterprises genuinely make a solid profit.

What sets these proprietors of businesses apart from others?

They have an unfair edge in this situation. They possess the appropriate talents that enable them to rapidly expand a firm.

You WILL achieve financial success if you build your company on solid groundwork. If you are not producing sales and are not consistently bringing in new consumers, then you do not have a company; rather, you have a pastime that takes up a lot of your time. So, make no mistake…. If you want to become rich via business, you should base your company on solid marketing and sales practices from the beginning.

Acquiring high-income, high-leverage abilities will allow you to make money with little to no time investment. You will amass fortune if you are skilled in the art of persuasion and can get others to purchase whatever it is that you are offering. Because every firm you enter is built on a solid foundation, people will believe that you have the Midas touch.

In order to amass a lot of fortune in a short period of time, you need to act like a renegade and also be ruthless

If you want to become very rich, you can not go about life and business the way that everybody else goes about life and business.

Yes, This may infuriate many people who read this, but if you want to become truly wealthy, you have to do things differently.

Keep in mind that 90 percent of people’s efforts to build riches fail dismally. I do not want to dampen your spirits with these words… This is what I am going to show you to prove that what the majority of people are doing is wrong : I am going to say it again.

This has a number of implications, including… If you do something completely different from what everyone else in your market is doing, people will naturally be drawn to you. Attention is always capable of being converted into sales provided the appropriate steps are taken

First, you should have a feel for the situation before going all in.

Spending your life money on a startup concept before properly testing it is a terrible idea. Never, ever do this. Because of this, I am always encouraging you to become an expert in marketing, sales, and persuasive.

It is possible that you believe that you provide an excellent product or service, that your marketing message is really powerful, and that those who do not purchase from you are just lacking common sense….

However, the moment you put the product on the market…. There is the sound of crickets.

Your product is not selling because there is something wrong with it. It is possible that it is your product. Could be a message from you. It is possible that they saw your advertisement.

Point being…. You do not know if you can make money, if you can not at least attract 30 buyers on 1000 sent out newsletters or your promotional pamphlets , in the first 7 days of placing a new product or promotion in the market .

An aggressive entrepreneur with a passion , also is subjective to business influencing factors in order to be able to succeed , such factors are determine by your Luck , your research on market potential , product viability ,pricing ,demands , packaging , delivery and ton of others

Now, let us pretend that you have invested your whole life savings in this venture. My initial foray into the business world ended up being a failure for the same reason. Take what you can from my mistakes.

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About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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