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Unlocking the Focus Code

Why You Can't FOCUS And How To Fix That

By NatashaPublished about a month ago 8 min read
Unlocking the Focus Code
Photo by Dan Barrett on Unsplash

Being able to focus is practically a superpower in the modern world. It's rare to witness someone who can focus for hours on end on one task. It also comes as no surprise that those that can concentrate accomplish a great deal more than others. You could gain from increased focus in a variety of situations. Whether it's for a hobby, job, school, or study. You can achieve your goals more quickly if you have the ability to concentrate. I'll thus go over what's preventing you from focusing and how you can fix it immediately. Remember to jot down a few salient ideas related to what you have learned from this text. You'll maximize the benefits of your procrastination session in this way. It's going to be a long one, so grab a seat. Now let's get started.

By Maxime Horlaville on Unsplash

We have two types of focus.

Scattered focus and directed focus.

Scattered focus is broadly distributed attention

Consider the average person who tries to multitask by juggling multiple tasks at once. While making dinner, cleaning the house, and making phone calls. or someone who makes an effort to concentrate on something, but is unable to stop thinking about anything else. And most individuals act in this manner.

They focus on numerous things at different times. The issue with this kind of focus is that it is quite difficult for your brain to transition between many tasks at once. As you can see, transitioning between tasks doesn't happen instantly. As an alternative, your brain must "load" into working memory the context of whatever you're doing. Your brain has to repeatedly load and reload context while you are continuously changing your focus from one task to another.

By Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Basically, going back and forth wastes a lot of mental energy and leaves you tired without getting much done. We have now focused attention on the opposite side. You accomplish this by focusing on just one item and tuning out everything else. This is the goal you should pursue, and exceptional performers focus their attention in this way. Like a laser beam, they focus on one subject at a time.

And they focus all of their energy on one task, ignoring all other inputs. What then can you do to prevent a disorganized focus? It's easy. Eliminate any potential sources of distraction and stay away from any stimulants.

By julien Tromeur on Unsplash


Eliminate all distractions that impair your focus. This is one way to look at things. Assume that you can focus on five units at once. That implies you are free to use those 5 units however you see fit. You may, for instance, utilize them all to study, obtaining focused attention in one area. As you study, let's imagine your mother walks into your room and announces that dinner will be ready in 45 minutes.

Your attention is now fragmented, even if you were really focused and the encounter only lasted for ten seconds. Your concentration will be worse than it was before since you will be thinking about dinner. That dinner took up one of the concentrate units, which prevented you from using it for studying. You will now have to spend some mental energy before you can completely recover your focus, which will take some time.

By Jamie Street on Unsplash

The funny thing is, you're probably always accompanied by your equally distracting mother. Your phone or tablet. This little thing is the biggest anti-focus machine out there. Every time you receive a new notification, it sounds, rings, and vibrates. It only takes that beep to divert your attention from what you were meant to be paying attention to. Even with your phone on quiet, though, you're still probably going to glance at it occasionally out of boredom.

As a result, your attention is split. Naturally, this doesn't mean that you should discard your phone or do anything similar. Rather, I'm just recommending that you place it somewhere you know it won't distract you and you won't be able to look at it every time you want to focus on something. Nevertheless, there are other things that can divert your attention from your phone. Anything can cause that, but your phone is most likely the main culprit. The goal is to be aware of the things that could confuse you and stay away from them. Don't let distractions hold you back – take control of your mind, enhance your memory, and unlock unparalleled success now! Another thing that could be affecting your ability to focus is your physiology.

By Jonathan Borba on Unsplash


This is not something that is often thought about. But you need to take care of your body if you want your mind to work at its best. If you don't get enough sleep every night, it will be hard for you to focus. In fact, getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep has been shown to help people concentrate during the day.

Another thing that should be done every day is exercise. You can focus better on hard jobs because neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and others are released. Don't think I mean running a race when I say "exercise." A quick walk around the block is enough. If it's a walk in the woods, extra points.

By Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

It is also very important to stay hydrated. You may have noticed that it's hard to think straight when you first wake up. One reason is that you haven't drunk anything in over 8 hours and are barely drinking enough water. What you eat is also very important to how well you do. You're hurting your brain when you eat too much bad food or drink too much soda.

Having brain fog and not being able to focus is caused by foods that are high in sugar. You might wish to look into some better food options. For that reason, take care of your body if you want to concentrate better. Let's look at some ways to get more focused. It should be noted that concentration is a skill.

By Aaron Huber on Unsplash


Your attention can be trained, just like you would train for a sport. You get better at something the more you do it. You might only be able to concentrate for 10 minutes at first. If you do that every day, though, your concentration will get better, and you'll be able to do it for longer.

It's okay if you can't focus for hours on end right now. For a while, you can get better at targeting. You can improve your ability to focus even more by setting aside time each day to work on just one thing at a time. To put it simply, you want to make focusing a regular habit.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


There are a lot of people who are waiting for the right time, when everything is in its place, to try to focus. That is not the right way to do things. It's much better to set aside time every day to work on one thing for as long as you can. After that, you need to keep that time safe.

An hour or so after waking up in the morning is the ideal time to focus. That's usually when you're fully awake and your mind isn't busy with other things that need your attention. Plus, you won't have any other things to do at that time, and all of your focus units will be ready to go. A lot of artists, writers, and thinkers in the past have used this time of day. What about the afternoon, though?

By Sander Dalhuisen on Unsplash

So you can see that if you've had a busy day, your mind is already split up in a lot of different places. And there is a lot going on in your brain. We can concentrate better in the morning because of this. After all, your brain has been asleep for eight hours. You won't be able to focus if you decide in the middle of a busy afternoon to switch your attention to something that requires a lot of thought, like learning.

You'll already have other things on your mind. Because of this, such efforts will often fail. Late in the day, though, that doesn't mean it's hard to remember things. You only need to calm down your brain. That why you need to un-stimulate your brain.

By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


The Pomodoro method. This is how it works: You decide the task you want to concentrate on. Following that, you set a timer for 25 minutes and only work on that one thing. You stop for five minutes and start the timer again when the alarm goes off. After four sessions of 25 minutes each, you take a longer break, generally 30 minutes long.

It doesn't have to be so strict, of course. They only say that you should work for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes. You can do it for as long as you want, but it will depend on how hard it is. For example, I set the timer for 45 minutes and then take a 15-minute break when I'm making movies. So you should try a few different combinations and see which one works best for you.


You already pay more attention than most people. Because this post was very long. Hey, I hope you liked it. If you did, please like this article sand follow if you haven't already. I hope you can concentrate better than yesterday. Sharpen your focus and enhance your memory to become the best version of yourself.

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