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Infinite Concentration

How To Stay Focused Longer

By NatashaPublished about a month ago 6 min read
Infinite Concentration
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Unlocking the Key to Long-lasting Focus

If you saw someone who wasn't in good shape. Also, I'd like to know how you think this happened. Perhaps you would say, "Hmm, they didn't get enough exercise and they ate too much junk food." Yes, the same is true for focusing.

As someone who can barely pay attention for five minutes. If you already want to leave this video. Then you're pretty much in the same spot. However, it's not your body that's not good; it's your mind. To fix this, just take care of your mind like you would your body. There are really only two things you need to do.

By Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash


First, make mental exercise a daily habit. Just like how you have to lift big weights at the gym to get stronger. Making yourself do something that needs a lot of mental energy and attention is the best way to improve your mental strength. Like reading a book, learning, working, writing, or even getting better at something. Different people need different things, but as a general rule, you can train with any job that you are having trouble focusing on right now.

Once you know what job you want to train with, you need to find out how strong you are at it now. Let's say you choose to read a book to get in shape. The next thing you should do is set a timer and see how long you can read before you have to check your phone or do something else.

That's when you should stop the watch and write down the time. This is how strong your attention is right now. Tell me where you stand right now in the comments below – What's up with you? The moment you know your present level, you need to start regularly exercising your mind. You need to set aside time every day to do this focus training. You would set aside a certain amount of time to work out at the gym.

By Matthew Kwong on Unsplash

Every day, you should try to do 5 sets of this task for a little longer than your present strength level. If you feel the need to stop reading after five minutes, try reading for five and a half minutes or even six minutes. After that, you can take a short break and play games on your phone for one or two minutes, just like you would between sets at the gym. Then you can go back to reading for the next set. And you do it at least five times.

Do this every day, and then test your focus again at the end of the week. See how long you can read before you really want to do something else. Increasing this number slowly over time should happen if you keep up with your workouts. Also, you should switch up the workouts every so often. You can study, write, or even watch TV instead of reading if you really want to.

By lilartsy on Unsplash


Making focusing a habit that does it for you is the best way to train your abilities. Say, "I don't need to set aside time every day to go to the mental gym" because I write for three hours every day. Most of the time, I write for about 30 minutes, take a break, and then write again. Which means that this habit basically helps me train and keep my focus muscles healthy. When your attention level gets to at least 10 minutes, you might want to think about doing this. So you can start working after that. Take control of your mind and enhance your memory.

By Lily Banse on Unsplash


To get more focused, the second thing you need to do is change what you eat. In other words, our bodies take in food, but our minds take in information. The fast foods of the real world are tasty, high-calorie, and very sweet foods. That is to say, short, very interesting, and fun to watch pieces of content are like junk food for your mind. You can enjoy it once in a while, or even every day.If that's the only thing you do, though, your attention span will drop to mere seconds.

Social media is where most of this junk food comes from. A study found that most Instagram users only look at each post for 10 seconds. It’s likely the same on other social networks like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and even Reddit. All of it is information that we only look at for a second or two. This happens with even longer forms of information, like YouTube videos. But stimulation is the trouble here. A lot of videos that go popular have a lot of changes and sound effects, and they cut to a new scene every five seconds. We watch these videos because they are interesting. Our brains release a lot of dopamine when we see something new, which makes us want to watch more and makes it harder for us to focus on less interesting things.

You want to read long pieces that don't give you much to think about. Videos like Ted Talks and conversations that teach are a great example of this. These are long pieces of content that go slowly and only talk about a few topics the whole time. They are good for your mental health. It’s also good to have different kinds of material, like audiobooks, blog posts, podcasts, and even documentaries. Make sure you're getting some of this kind of information every day, and over time, try to cut down on it until it's at least half of what you normally get. Again, it's fine to use social media every day, but you should also read some more healthy material to keep things in balance.

By Eden Constantino on Unsplash


Plus, when you're reading or watching something, you should really try not to do anything else at the same time. Because using your phone to check social media while watching a Ted Talk is like eating cake while salad. It won't help at all. And when you read or watch something, you should do your best to finish it.

Reading the whole piece should become a habit, or seeing the whole video, or reading the whole chapter through. This will help you work on your attention even when you're not at the mental gym.

By Robert Collins on Unsplash

As you can see, the only way to improve your focus is to work out your focus muscles and pay attention to what you read every day. There’s no easy way to do it, just like there's no easy way to lose weight. It's a constant battle and a change in your living that you have to make. I hope you learned something. Stay tuned!

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