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Have I met the real you, or am I speaking with your representative? (Part 1)

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. Robert H. Goddard

By YOURGOALSYOURGAINS Published 13 days ago 3 min read

In the pursuit of connecting with like-minded individuals, you’ve probably made contact with a potential suitor or platonic friend.

Did you use a dating app? Have you been eyeing your sexy neighbor? Did you crash accidentally into someone’s food cart?

The circumstances of meeting someone new are always relevant in figuring out who this person truly is, how to deal with the connection, and what’s the lesson in this situation.

In Astrology, the Sun sign( who you are) and the Ascendant (how you elevate in life or who you aspire to be) usually give you a good indicator of someone’s overall characteristics.

As you’re able to see the sun’s splendor on a beautiful day (or cold winter day), this is how your Sun sign is perceived. This is the “you” that was pushed from your mother’s womb and took your first breath as being. The “you” without external input, influence, or “training. The raw, natural, and unique creation that was made with a mixture of intentions and spirit, that’s you.

The Ascendant energy is what you are being taught to be and what it means to you. If external influence was a spice, that soup has been embedded with plenty of that stuff.

Initially, this is the energy that others sense when they acknowledge your presence. While your ascendant sign can act as a flavor booster to your Sun sign, depending on a “natural selection match”, it can completely render it neutral. Some energies just don’t mesh all that well together. For example, a person with a Sun sign that’s outgoing with an Ascendant that has a “wallflower” personality would initially appear to be shy but once you get to know them more intimately, they will show you that fire.

For some of us that are learning the connections and effects of what is going on “above” us and what’s going on around us; we’ve come to learn that our Sun sign may not necessarily be in the first house nor be the ruler of that house when we were born.

In contrast, the Ascendant is always associated with the 1st house, which means you can come to understand what’s been influencing you for good or for bad.

While the Sun sign is your natural flow whether interpreted negatively or positively. For example, let’s take a closer look at an individual that has a Pisces Sun sign in the 3rd house and an Ascendant in Sagittarius.

We can observe that this individual might have chosen to play peacekeeper, people’s advocate, or even instigating a call to action based on the kind of environment that they grew up in.

The kind of interactions, sibling relationships (or lack thereof), home environment, and neighborhood played a huge factor. One of their challenges could have been needing to learn how to communicate or express their feelings in a constructive manner.

The natural flow for them would be to use an artistic form of expression. Their Ascendant energy would be about learning which does support the 3rd house orientation. The difference is that the Sagittarius energy would be more interested in “hands-on” learning in “real world” conditions while the Pisces energy in the 3rd house would be able to create interactive learning or teaching setup.

Secondly, they know how to be a supportive player (sun sign), they have to learn how to take center stage or leading positions (ascendant). Positively, they understand the evolution and stages of a situation. They can sense when something is done for good (sun sign) but they have to learn how to let go, purposely (ascendant).

What I love about the first house energy is that it can teach you about self-love. If you can accept yourself unconditionally then you have open the jackpot of happiness and love opportunities will be coming your way if it’s not currently undergoing.

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About the Creator


Motivation is my game! Whether I channel Tarot truths and spread astrological facts or anything in between, it is for the betterment of humankind by taking the road of knowing thyself. Nobody can take your power away.

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