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Unlocking Personal Growth through Feminine Energy

Helpful tips from The Universe Guru Mina Irfan

By Mina Irfan - The Universe GuruPublished 19 days ago 3 min read
Unlocking Personal Growth through Feminine Energy
Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

Everyone wants to be happy and fulfilled. We can find this fulfillment in many parts of our life, like relationships or careers. Tapping into feminine energy, building self-reliance, and practicing mindfulness can help us live a more joyful and rich life.

Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is a group of traits that are usually seen as nurturing and sensitive.

Qualities like kindness, empathy, and openness to feelings are all part of this energy. It's important to understand that everyone, regardless of gender, has some feminine energy.

Feminine energy helps us understand and care for others. It makes us better listeners and helps to respond with compassion and kindness.

This can make us better friends, family members, and leaders. When people feel cared for and understood, they respond better and feel more connected.

This also plays a big role in leadership. Leaders with a strong sense of feminine energy are often seen as approachable and fair. They create environments where everyone feels valued and part of the team.

During one of my early workshops on inner growth and empowerment, I had a participant who was visibly disconnected from the group. I decided to approach the situation with empathy and gentleness, rather than direct confrontation.

Instead of addressing her discomfort in front of everyone, I chose to share some of my own vulnerabilities with the group. I spoke about times when I had felt overwhelmed and unsure, mirroring the emotions she might have been feeling.

This openness not only reflected my commitment to using feminine energy in my leadership but also highlighted the importance of being approachable and creating a safe space.


Self-reliance is all about depending on yourself. It helps us grow and build our confidence. When we learn to rely on ourselves, we feel stronger and more capable. It teaches us that we can handle challenges on our own.

Being self-reliant means setting your own goals. When you decide what you want to achieve and set out to do it, you're taking charge of your life.

Each new skill you learn makes you more independent. Whether it's cooking a meal, fixing a bike, or managing money, each skill means one less thing you need to rely on others for.

It can be easy to follow others' advice or do what friends are doing. But making your own choices, even small ones, helps build your confidence. It shows you trust yourself to make the right call.

When I first started creating what would eventually become The Universe Guru, I faced a bunch of challenges that tested my self-reliance. At that time, I was still grappling with the loss of my mother, and sharing that as part of my new channel was terrifying. Through self-reliance, and a strong support network, I was able to make it work.

Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Mindfulness is about focusing fully on what's happening right now. It helps us not to worry about the past or stress about the future. When we pay attention to the present, our minds calm down, and we can feel happier.

Practicing mindfulness can be simple. One easy way is through deep breathing. When you feel overwhelmed or upset, try taking slow, deep breaths. Focus on each breath as it goes in and out. This can help clear your mind and lower your stress.

Mindfulness can be part of other everyday activities too. Whether you’re eating, showering, or even doing chores, you can turn these into mindful moments. Pay attention to how things feel, smell, and sound.

One hectic morning, as I sat in my office unable to concentrate, I pushed my chair back, placed my feet firmly on the ground, and closed my eyes. I decided to focus on my breathing.

I took a deep breath in, counting slowly to four, holding it briefly at the top, and then exhaling slowly to the count of four. I repeated this a few times, each breath helping to clear the noise and stress that had built up around me. With each exhale, I imagined releasing a bit of the tension I was holding in my shoulders and neck.

This brief moment of mindfulness made a significant difference in my day. I make it a point to incorporate these short, mindful breathing breaks throughout my day, especially when the chaos starts to build.

successself helphealinghappinesshealthhumanitylove

About the Creator

Mina Irfan - The Universe Guru

Mina Irfan: Spiritual mentor & thought leader from Houston, Texas. Mina Irfan overcame early challenges & now empowers women globally through The Universe Guru. Mother of three, she blends scientific insights with spiritual coaching.

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