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There are many benefits of meditation, 7 ways to practice meditation

Benefits Of Meditation

By Be Inspired - Be MotivatedPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Research confirms that meditation has benefits such as relaxation and focus. But do you find meditation difficult? Afraid of going crazy? Let’s take a look at 7 meditation methods, including the most popular mindfulness meditation, as well as suitable meditation music and meditation apps.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice of focusing on the mind using mind-body techniques, in short, a method of training attention. Our minds are mostly confused, jumping between the past and the future, sometimes worrying and fearful. Meditation guides us back to the present moment in a balanced and lucid way, leading to feelings of calm, balance, and benefits for mood and overall health. Meditation originates from ancient philosophy and religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Christ, Sufism, etc., but you don't have to be a believer to meditate. Meditation is for everyone, the technique is simple and cost-effective, no tools or equipment are required, and no time or place is required.

What are the benefits of meditation?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, people who meditate regularly have larger or denser brain areas than the average person responsible for the senses (such as hearing and sight), thinking and concentration, and the ability to process emotions, with more between neurons Also stronger connections. This means their brains are healthier, less likely to experience age-related loss of function, and better able to cope with negative emotions. Additionally, meditation can help manage certain physical and mental symptoms, especially those that are exacerbated by stress. Meditation benefits listed by the Mayo Clinic are as follows:

Mind and Body Benefits of Meditation

Find new perspectives in the face of stressful situations

Build skills for coping with stress

focus on the present

reduce negative emotions

Improve imagination and creativity

Lower resting heart rate and blood pressure

Improve sleep quality

Symptoms Meditation Helps Control




chronic pain


heart disease


Irritable Bowel Disorder

sleep problems

tension headache

How to meditate? Getting Started with 3 Ways to Practice Meditation

The New York Times self-care information site Well suggests a few tips for beginners in meditation:

Choose a fixed time to meditate.

Choose a fixed location for meditation.

Have tools for meditation, such as a meditation cushion, meditation stool, earphones, or incense burner, etc., but none are available.

Meditation doesn’t have to be cross-legged, and it doesn’t matter whether you sit on the ground or not. You can find a comfortable position that is not easy to be distracted. Even lying down is fine. Although it is easy to fall asleep, the benefit is that it can improve sleep problems. Once you have chosen the pose, focus on prolonged breathing, then close your eyes and you are ready to meditate.

According to the Cleveland Clinic , there are many forms of meditation, but they share commonalities with each other and can be broadly categorized as:

Meditation Method 1" Body Meditation: Also known as self-scanning, you need to focus on feeling the sensations throughout your body.

Meditation Method 2" Meditation: Concentrate on a problem or a contradiction.

Meditation Method 3 Emotional Meditation: Focus on a specific emotion, like how to be nice to others, or think about what in life will bring you happiness.

Meditation Method 4 "Mantra Meditation: Repeatedly recite or recite specific sentences or sounds in your mind.

Meditation Method 5 "Dynamic Meditation: Focus on breathing or making specific body movements, such as chakra dancing. One of them is to observe the world around you carefully while walking.

Meditation Method 6 "Mindfulness Meditation: Based on how you feel about your whole body, pay attention to the world around you and what is happening at the moment.

Meditation Method 7 "Visual Meditation: Focus on what is in front of you, whether it is visible to the naked eye or mental image.

What music goes well with meditation?

Listening to music suitable for meditation or the meditation audio of the APP can help you isolate external influences and focus on the inside. If beginners do not know what to think about in meditation, they can follow the guided practice of the meditation app. It is normal to have distracted thoughts during meditation, as long as you realize that your thoughts have drifted away, you can pull them back and continue.

Search the Internet for meditation music, meditation music, chakra music, concentration music, mindfulness meditation music, etc., you can find a lot of music or audio suitable for meditation, including white noise, nature sounds (such as dripping water, waves, insects and birds), Singing bowl audio, and 528HZ audio that can repair DNA.

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Be Inspired - Be Motivated

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