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The Unexpected Gift of Loneliness: How to Deal with Isolation As a Digital Nomad

What I’ve learned as a digital nomad and dealing with loneliness on the road. Tips to help you cope.

By Naya LizardoPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Learning to cope with loneliness as a digital nomad: A journey worth taking. — Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

Being a digital nomad can be an exciting and inspiring experience. You get to travel the world, explore new places, and have amazing adventures. However, it also has its drawbacks, one of which is loneliness. As much as I love being able to work from anywhere in the world, there are times when it can get pretty lonely.

As someone who has been working remotely since 2020, I’ve gone through periods of feeling very isolated and homesick. But I’ve also learned how to make the most out of my experience by embracing solitude and learning to love being alone. Here are some strategies I use for dealing with loneliness as a digital nomad. I hope they help you too!

Accept That It’s Okay to Feel Lonely

As a digital nomad, I find myself feeling lonely at times, even when surrounded by amazing people and places. It’s easy to feel ashamed of this emotion like it somehow invalidates my choice to take this path in life. But it doesn’t: loneliness is as natural and normal a feeling as joy or contentment.

I’ve realized that if I can accept that loneliness is okay — that it doesn’t mean something is wrong with me — then I can start looking for ways to cope with it. Whether that means embracing my time alone, doing activities that make me feel connected to the world around me or reaching out to other digital nomads for support and companionship, learning how to manage these feelings of loneliness has become an important part of my journey.

Loneliness is as natural and normal a feeling as joy or contentment.

Choose Your Locations Wisely

When selecting a city or country to stay in for an extended period of time, it’s important to pick locations that lend themselves well to meeting new people. This could mean staying in an area near the town center or other attractions like parks and outdoor cafes so you can easily walk around and socialize with locals and other travelers. It could also mean staying in accommodations that offer communal areas like shared kitchen facilities or common rooms where you can meet other travelers. Having easy access to these spaces makes it easier for you to meet new people and form connections while on your travels.

Stay at Least a Month in Each Location

To help me build more meaningful connections in each location, I try not to limit myself to just weeks in each spot — I like to stay at least a month so that I have time for deeper relationships and experiences. Slow travel allows me more opportunities for social interaction; for example, joining local groups or taking classes on topics of interest so I can meet like-minded people who share my passions and interests.

Make Time for Connection and Community Building

It’s easy to get lost in our work when we’re working on the go, but it’s important for us to make time for connection and community building, even if we don’t always feel like doing so. When I arrive in a new location, I make it a point to join ex-pat groups on Facebook or Meetup. I also like to sign up for some local classes, such as traditional cooking or crafts. Language exchanges are also a great option. These are great ways to get out of our comfort zone and meet new people who have similar interests as us.

Join a Coworking Space

Coworking spaces can be a great way for digital nomads and ex-pats to come together, network, and collaborate. Each coworking space offers a unique atmosphere with different amenities that may include office supplies, Wi-Fi, coffee bars, projectors, meeting rooms, and more. Many coworking spaces host events such as networking parties, workshops, and educational classes that allow digital nomads to socialize and learn from each other while they work.

While I personally prefer working from “home” or a coffee shop rather than a coworking space, I’ve spoken to many digital nomads who tell me they find it easier to connect with other like-minded people when they work in this type of shared office environment.

Stay Connected With Your Family & Friends Back Home

It’s easy for us to feel disconnected from our family and friends back home when we’re constantly on the move. Thankfully, modern technology makes it easier than ever for us to keep in touch with our loved ones no matter how far away we may be! Video calling and chatting platforms such as WhatsApp and Zoom allow us to stay connected with those we care about, even when we’re thousands of miles away!

Set Boundaries With Technology

Although technology can be a great tool in helping us stay connected with our family and friends, it’s easy to fall into the trap of relying heavily on this instead of forming real-life connections with others around us. We become addicted to our phones and laptops, which makes us shy away from social settings where we could actually meet people face-to-face instead of just through text messages or online chatrooms. Setting boundaries with technology is key when trying to cope with loneliness as a digital nomad — limit your online activities so you have more time for real-life interactions!

Go on Solo Adventures

One thing I’ve come to appreciate about being a digital nomad is having the freedom and flexibility of going wherever I want whenever I want — even if that means going on solo adventures! This could be anything from kayaking or exploring nature trails near where you’re staying or visiting nearby towns and cities on day trips. Going solo gives me uninterrupted time alone with my thoughts, which helps me relax and appreciate life more deeply.

Don't let fear of loneliness stop you from becoming a digital nomad. — Photo by Jeff Isaak on Unsplash

Final Thoughts

If you’re thinking of becoming a digital nomad or are already living the nomadic lifestyle, I hope this article has given you some insights into how to deal with one of the challenges you may face — loneliness. There are steps you can take to combat those feelings so you can enjoy all the amazing benefits that come with being a digital nomad without feeling lonely all the time. Thanks for reading. Do you have any other tips for overcoming loneliness while traveling and working remotely? Share them in the comments below!

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About the Creator

Naya Lizardo

Travel addict, writer, knowledge enthusiast and poetry dabbler. I write about relationships, mental health, and social issues.

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