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The Silent Struggle We May Feel

There is this uncomfortable feeling of being all alone but do you ever think of a possible solution

By Nature LoverPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

Feeling lonely! It is, in my opinion, one of the most significant issues facing society today. This is an issue that is becoming more and more serious. In an attempt to get over this issue, individuals frequently resort to viewing movies and, if they consider going out, looking for someone who can ease their intense emotions. The trouble is that, a lot of the time, things wind up becoming worse.

Let's begin by comprehending some of the major changes that the modern world is undergoing.

The society is the first thing. Our culture is growing more and more reliant on independence. Put another way, society is essentially teaching us how to be self-sufficient while also making it very simple to do so and accept personal responsibility. It has become increasingly difficult for us to maintain interpersonal connections because we have stopped learning how to get along with other people.

The world is the next item. It's getting to be a more stressful environment sometimes. Years ago the two leading causes of pain and death in the human race were cancer and cardiovascular illness; now, mental health ranks first.

The reality is that people are adjusting to the stress. We frequently retreat to "Safe Spaces" when we are under stress. This implies that when we are feeling overwhelmed, we look for answers in situations where we know we will not face any difficulties. For instance, in an attempt to decompress, we can get preoccupied with viewing anything and everything on the internet. You find a lot of information online that exacerbates your feelings. The problem lies in this type of poisonous encouragement.

We may chat to new friends every day thanks to those platforms that have made it possible for us to become friends with people worldwide. Nevertheless, the majority of users have begun to say things like "It's not my responsibility to fix their loneliness; it's someone else's responsibility". The issue lies in the fact that we place the burden of duty on the individual and refuse to accept accountability for others.

How is a lonely person expected to solve the issue? It truly does need another person!

In fact, there are a few things we can do to solve the issue. We must exercise greater tolerance. Because of the divisiveness that exists online, intolerance is once again being fostered via the internet. You risk being barred from all the places save those where you are in agreement if you have opinions on a particular issue that conflict with those of others. Thus, make an effort to listen to others and become more flexible.

We must acknowledge that no human person can make someone feel less alone. You definitely need to give it some thought because even if you may not be able to end your own loneliness, you may undoubtedly end someone else's. Strive to act in a different way by considering the needs of others before your own.

You should be aware of one important fact which is that loneliness is the one issue that no one can solve alone.

The main issue with the psychology of loneliness is that most lonely persons experience some form of internal conflict. "I'm alone, and I don't want to be alone, so I'm going to reach out to someone else; however, when I do, I encounter a variety of emotional obstacles". We even tend to overanalyze what other people say, think, or do, which is thought to be one of the contributing factors.

What we actually do is consider our personal interests.

You may be thinking: "I'm going to get over my social anxiety and interact with other people". You are never going to be in control of loneliness when you reach out to another person, and the loneliness you experience begins to fade as a result of spending time with other people. You are starting to think: "My loneliness increases and my anxiety increases when I'm by myself. Well, I will reach out to individuals once more to make them feel comfortable".

Thus, even if you are lonely, try to make an effort to reach out to others. Try to consider the other individual. Consider making an effort to lessen their loneliness. Consider improving their quality of life. Consider your fellow humans.

The lovely thing is that you truly assist yourself if you surround yourself with individuals. You get better at this with practice. You will be able to determine whether you have a valid cause to put up with other people's unpleasant feelings.

I think you should strive to improve your life. I realize this seems strange, but I thin we should give it a try.

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Nature Lover

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Comments (1)

  • Hala Haggag6 months ago

    It's a good thought

Nature LoverWritten by Nature Lover

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