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A year of light and shadow

By Balogun deborah Published 4 days ago 3 min read

In 2022, Deborah experienced a year unlike any other. It was a time when everything seemed to fall into place effortlessly. Laughter filled the days, and joy was a constant companion. Deborah would wake up each morning with a sense of anticipation, excited for what the day might bring. The sun seemed to shine a little brighter, and the air felt lighter. Each moment was imbued with a sense of magic and possibility.

Friends and family noticed the change in Deborah. They commented on the newfound spark, the radiant smile, and the infectious energy that seemed to emanate from within. It was as if Deborah had discovered a secret wellspring of happiness. The year was marked by memorable adventures, new experiences, and deep connections. It was a year where dreams felt tangible and every day held a promise of something wonderful.

However, as the year drew to a close, Deborah began to feel an inexplicable shift. The vibrant colors of life started to fade, and the days seemed a bit duller. The laughter that once came so easily was now harder to find. Deborah couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when things changed, but there was a growing sense of unease. By the time the calendar turned to 2023, the joy that had defined the previous year seemed to have slipped away.

Despite the best efforts to hold onto that happiness, Deborah found it increasingly elusive. The routines and activities that once brought so much pleasure now felt hollow. There was a sense of going through the motions, of trying to recapture a feeling that was just out of reach. Deborah began to struggle with a sense of loss, not just of the joy itself, but of the self that had been so deeply connected to that joy.

As 2024 arrived, the struggle continued. Friends and family still saw the cheerful exterior, the smile that seemed to light up a room. They often told Deborah how happy they seemed, how their presence brought joy to others. But Deborah knew that the smile they saw was often a mask, a way to hide the internal battle that was being fought every day. The happiness that everyone else perceived wasn’t always a reflection of the truth.

Inside, Deborah grappled with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. There were days when the weight of the past felt overwhelming, when the memory of 2022 was both a comfort and a source of pain. It was a reminder of what had been lost and a benchmark that seemed impossible to reach again. Deborah wondered if true happiness would ever return or if it was a fleeting gift that had been taken away.

Despite these challenges, Deborah held onto the memory of 2022 as a beacon of hope. It was a reminder that genuine joy was possible, even if it seemed distant now. Deborah believed that happiness wasn’t just a moment from the past but something that could be found again. The journey to rediscover that happiness was fraught with difficulties, but it was also filled with moments of growth and self-discovery.

Deborah began to seek out small joys in everyday life, to find gratitude in the simple things. There were still days of struggle, but there were also moments of clarity and peace. The support of loved ones, the beauty of nature, and the satisfaction of small accomplishments became sources of solace. Deborah realized that happiness wasn’t always a grand, all-encompassing feeling; sometimes, it was found in the quiet, unremarkable moments that made up the fabric of life.

In the end, Deborah’s story was one of resilience and hope. It was a reminder that while happiness might ebb and flow, the capacity for joy remained. The memories of 2022 served as a guide, showing that true happiness was within reach. With each passing day, Deborah moved a little closer to reclaiming that genuine smile, believing that the future held the promise of joy once again.

Life’s journey is filled with highs and lows, and happiness can sometimes feel fleeting. However, true joy is found in resilience, hope, and the small, everyday moments that bring gratitude and peace. While past happiness can serve as a comforting memory, it is the pursuit of present and future joy, and the belief in its possibility, that sustains us through difficult times.

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    BDWritten by Balogun deborah

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