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The Science-Based Full-Body Home Workout Routine: Building Muscle with Bodyweight Exercises

Gain Muscles at Home with easy exercises.

By Kamran ShafiPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

With the rise of the coronavirus pandemic and the closure of gyms worldwide, many individuals find themselves seeking effective alternatives to maintain their fitness and continue building muscle at home. While traditional bodyweight workouts may seem inferior to gym workouts that incorporate heavy weights, it is possible to achieve significant muscle growth and make progress even with limited equipment.

In this article, we will introduce you to a science-based full-body home workout routine designed to target all major muscle groups and stimulate muscle growth effectively. By understanding key principles and incorporating specific techniques, you can maximize your muscle-building potential even without access to a gym.


⦁ Introduction

⦁ Key Points for Effective Home Workouts

⦁ Exercise 1: Narrow Grip Push-Ups

⦁ Exercise 2: Inverted Rows

⦁ Exercise 3: Pike Push-Ups

⦁ Exercise 4: Lat Pull-Downs

⦁ Exercise 5: Bicep Curls and Tricep Extensions

⦁ Exercise 6: Assisted Pistol Squats

⦁ Exercise 7: Bulgarian Split Squats

⦁ Exercise 8: Sliding Leg Curls

⦁ Workout Summary and Guidelines

⦁ Conclusion

⦁ FAQs

FAQ 1: Can I build muscle with just bodyweight exercises?

FAQ 2: How many times a week should I perform this workout?

FAQ 3: What if I can't perform the exercises with proper form?

FAQ 4: Can I add additional weights to increase the intensity?

FAQ 5: Is it necessary to warm up before starting the workout?

Key Points for Effective Home Workouts

Before diving into the workout routine, it's crucial to understand the key principles that make home workouts effective for muscle growth. These principles will ensure that you maximize your muscle activation and make progress even with limited equipment.

Push to Near Failure: Research has shown that when using lighter loads, it is essential to push your muscles to near failure during each set. This means stopping just a couple of reps short of complete muscle fatigue. By doing so, you fully activate all the motor units within your muscles, leading to optimal muscle growth.

Choose the Right Resistance: While working with higher reps and lighter loads can lead to comparable muscle growth as heavier weights, there is a lower limit to the resistance needed. Aim to work with a weight or resistance that is at least 30 to 40 percent of your one-rep max. For bodyweight exercises, this translates to around 30 to 40 reps per set. If you can perform more than this, it indicates that the resistance or variation is too light, and you should progress to a more challenging variation.

Now that we understand the key principles, let's dive into the exercises of this full-body home workout routine.

Exercise 1: Narrow Grip Push-Ups

The first exercise we'll focus on is the narrow grip push-up, which targets the chest and triceps. To perform this exercise:

Place your hands in a diamond shape, closer together than in a traditional push-up.

Perform four sets of narrow grip push-ups. Two sets should be performed on a flat surface to emphasize the entire chest, while the other two sets should be performed in a decline position with your feet elevated and hands positioned closer to your face. This variation places more emphasis on the upper chest.

To increase the intensity, you can add weight by wearing a weighted vest or placing a backpack filled with books on your back.

Exercise 2: Inverted Rows

Inverted rows are an excellent bodyweight exercise for targeting the muscles in your back, particularly the lats and rhomboids. To perform inverted rows:

Set up a bar at waist height or use a sturdy table.

Lie under the bar or table and grab it with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Keep your body straight and pull your chest towards the bar/table, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Lower yourself back down with control.

Aim for four sets of inverted rows, adjusting the difficulty by changing the angle of your body. The more horizontal your body is, the more challenging the exercise becomes.

Exercise 3: Pike Push-Ups

Pike push-ups primarily target the shoulders and are an effective bodyweight alternative to overhead presses. To perform pike push-ups:

Assume a push-up position but with your hips elevated, forming an inverted V shape.

Keep your legs straight and walk your feet closer to your hands.

Bend your elbows and lower your head towards the ground, then push back up.

Aim for four sets of pike push-ups, focusing on maintaining proper form and control throughout the movement.

Exercise 4: Lat Pull-Downs

While traditional lat pull-down machines may not be available at home, you can still target your latissimus dorsi muscles using a resistance band. To perform resistance band lat pull-downs:

Attach a resistance band to a sturdy anchor point above you.

Hold the band with an overhand grip and kneel or stand facing the anchor point.

Pull the band down towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Slowly return to the starting position.

Aim for four sets of resistance band lat pull-downs, adjusting the difficulty by choosing a band with appropriate resistance.

Exercise 5: Bicep Curls and Tricep Extensions

For this exercise, you'll need a pair of dumbbells or any weighted objects that you can hold comfortably in your hands. Bicep curls target the biceps, while tricep extensions focus on the triceps. To perform bicep curls and tricep extensions:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand.

Keep your elbows close to your sides and curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders, contracting your biceps.

Lower the dumbbells back down with control.

For tricep extensions, hold one dumbbell with both hands, raise it above your head, and lower it behind your head by bending your elbows.

Aim for four sets of bicep curls and tricep extensions, selecting a weight that allows you to perform the exercises with proper form and control.

Exercise 6: Assisted Pistol Squats

Pistol squats are a challenging single-leg exercise that targets the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. If you're unable to perform a full pistol squat yet, you can start with assisted pistol squats using a stable support. To perform assisted pistol squats:

Stand facing away from a sturdy object like a chair or bench.

Extend one leg in front of you while balancing on the other leg.

Slowly lower yourself down by bending the knee of the supporting leg, keeping your extended leg off the ground.

Use the support to assist with balance and push yourself back up to the starting position.

Aim for four sets of assisted pistol squats per leg, gradually reducing the assistance as you gain strength and stability.

Exercise 7: Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats are another effective exercise for targeting the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. To perform Bulgarian split squats:

Stand facing away from a bench or step, with one foot resting on the elevated surface behind you.

Lower your body by bending the knee of the front leg, keeping your torso upright and core engaged.

Push through the heel of the front foot to return to the starting position.

Aim for four sets of Bulgarian split squats per leg, focusing on maintaining proper form and control throughout the movement.

Exercise 8: Sliding Leg Curls

Sliding leg curls provide an excellent way to target the hamstrings without the need for any equipment. To perform sliding leg curls:

Lie on your back with your feet on a smooth surface like hardwood or tile.

Lift your hips off the ground, keeping your upper back and shoulders on the floor.

Slide your feet towards your body, bending your knees and contracting your hamstrings.

Slowly extend your legs back out to the starting position.

Aim for four sets of sliding leg curls, focusing on the mind-muscle connection and squeezing your hamstrings at the top of the movement.

Workout Summary and Guidelines

Now that we've covered all the exercises, let's summarize the full-body home workout routine:

Narrow Grip Push-Ups: 4 sets

Inverted Rows: 4 sets

Pike Push-Ups: 4 sets

Lat Pull-Downs (with resistance band): 4 sets

Bicep Curls and Tricep Extensions: 4 sets each

Assisted Pistol Squats: 4 sets per leg

Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 sets per leg

Sliding Leg Curls: 4 sets

Perform this workout routine two to three times per week, allowing at least one day of rest between sessions. Remember to warm up before each workout to prepare your muscles and joints for the exercises. You can do a dynamic warm-up, such as arm circles, leg swings, and bodyweight squats, to increase blood flow and flexibility.

As you progress, aim to increase the difficulty of the exercises by adjusting the resistance, range of motion, or intensity. This could involve using heavier weights, increasing the number of reps, or reducing the assistance for assisted exercises.


Building muscle at home is achievable with the right knowledge, commitment, and proper workout routine. By incorporating these science-based bodyweight exercises into your training regimen, you can effectively target all major muscle groups and stimulate muscle growth. Remember to focus on maintaining proper form, pushing your muscles to near failure, and progressively challenging yourself as you gain strength and endurance.

While nothing can fully replace the experience and equipment available at a gym, embracing home workouts can be a valuable opportunity to explore new exercise variations and develop a stronger mind-muscle connection. Stay consistent, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of sculpting your body and improving your overall fitness from the comfort of your home.

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About the Creator

Kamran Shafi

Welcome to my corner of enlightenment and intellectual exploration! I'm Kamran Shafi, an experienced and passionate article writer committed to helping others with their problems and writing genuine working solutions to the problems.

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