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The Ancient Japanese Art of Becoming Wealthy

Simple Tricks of the Frugal Japanese

By Simply ExplorerPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
The Ancient Japanese Art of Becoming Wealthy
Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

So, you want to get rich? Who doesn't, right? We all dream of being financially free and living life on our own terms. The truth is, there's no magic formula or secret trick to accumulating wealth. But some methods are more effective than others. If you want to get ahead financially, take a lesson from the ancient Japanese art of saving money. The Japanese have long been renowned for their wisdom and discipline when it comes to money matters. Their time-tested techniques for spending less, saving more, and building wealth over the long run are tried and true. Want to learn how to save like the Japanese and set yourself up for financial success? Read on to discover the secrets of the ancient Japanese art of becoming wealthy. With some patience and practice, you will be well on your way to fortune and prosperity.

Kakeibo: The Centuries-Old Budgeting Method

The kakeibo system has been used by Japanese families for centuries to budget wisely and save money.

To get started, you will need a Kakeibo book to record your daily spending. In the book, write down your income and fixed expenses like rent and bills. Then establish a daily spending limit and track what you spend each day. Review how you did each week and make adjustments.

The keys to kakeibo are:

  • Prioritize saving - Aim to save about 30% of your income each month. Cut out excess spending and put that money straight into your savings fund.
  • Distinguish between needs and wants - Only buy what you absolutely need. Ask yourself if each purchase will enrich your life in a meaningful way before you buy.
  • Pay in cash - Only spend what you budget for the day. This makes your spending feel more real so you are less likely to overspend.
  • Reflect regularly - At the end of each week, see how your actual spending compares to your budget. Make a plan to do better next week.

With time and practice, the kakeibo method can become second nature. You will get better at curbing impulse buys, find yourself needing less, and put more in the bank each month. Pretty soon, you will be well on your way to building wealth the time-honored Japanese way.

Sticking to the kakeibo budgeting system requires discipline. But implementing this simple, low-tech approach to smart money management can have a huge impact on your financial well-being. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose but your debt.

Mottainai: Reducing Waste and Finding Value

The ancient Japanese practice of mottainai teaches us to reduce waste and find value in all things.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The mottainai philosophy follows the familiar principles of reducing what we consume, reusing what we have, and recycling anything left over. Some easy ways to apply mottainai in your daily life:

  • Buy only what you need and avoid excess packaging
  • Use reusable bags, bottles, and containers instead of disposable ones
  • Donate or repurpose old clothing, furniture, and other household goods rather than throwing them out

Find Hidden Value

Mottainai encourages us to look at items in new ways and discover hidden value or purpose. For example, used tea leaves can be composted, plastic bottles repurposed as planters or organizers, and old t-shirts turned into cleaning rags.

With some creativity, you can find ways to extract maximum usefulness from the things you have. Look around your home with fresh eyes, you may uncover resources you never knew you had!

Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

At its heart, mottainai is about cultivating gratitude and respect for the value inherent in all things. When we appreciate the true worth of resources, time, experiences, and each other, we become less wasteful and more purposeful in how we live.

Adopting mottainai as a mindset and way of life leads to greater well-being, less clutter, and a lighter footprint on the earth. By cherishing what we have, we find true wealth.

Gaman: Developing Endurance and Self-Discipline

The Japanese concept of gaman refers to patience, endurance, and self-discipline. To save money effectively, you will need to develop gaming. Some ways to strengthen your endurance include

  • Start small and build up - Don’t aim to cut your budget in half immediately. Reduce it by just 10-15% to start and stick with that for a few months. Once that level of spending becomes a habit, cut another 10% and repeat. Gradual progress is key.
  • Avoid temptation - Don’t go shopping unless necessary. Unsubscribe from store marketing emails and sales alerts. Out of sight, out of mind. The less you are tempted to spend, the easier it is to save.
  • Find free or low-cost hobbies - Fill your time with hobbies that don’t cost much like reading, exercising, gardening, or volunteering. Staying busy and distracted will make you less likely to spend out of boredom or impulse.
  • Start a savings fund - Set a concrete savings goal and timeline to work toward, like saving a certain amount each month for a down payment on a home in 2-3 years. Automate transfers to your savings account so you save before paying bills. Watching your fund grow will keep you disciplined.

Developing discipline and endurance takes practice. There will be times you stumble but simply get back on track right away instead of giving up completely. With regular exercise of your "savings muscles," your mental toughness and resolve will strengthen over time. Like any habit, saving money will become second nature if you persist through challenges and setbacks. The key is gaman, enduring despite difficulties. With patience and practice, you can master the art of becoming financially secure.


You now have the basics of kakeibo down - the simple yet powerful money journal used by the Japanese for centuries to build wealth over time through smart saving and spending. Start implementing it today and watch your savings grow month after month. Keep your kakeibo journal by your side as you go about your daily spending. Note each transaction, think about whether it sparks joy for you, and look for small ways to cut the excess. Review how you did at the end of each month and set small, achievable saving goals for the next. The kakeibo method is all about progress, not perfection. Stay consistent and committed, learn from your spending patterns, and celebrate your wins, no matter how small. Before you know it, you will have developed money habits that will serve you well for life. The ancient Japanese art of becoming wealthy is now yours to practice and pass on.

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About the Creator

Simply Explorer

I am passionate about the power of words to convey my thoughts, ideas and knowledge. Always seeking new adventures and love to learn from my experiences.

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